I have an Online Course Registration database (made in Access97) that sits on an NT web server (with IIS) which is used for an online course registration process. I have a database (also Access97) on an internal network server that contains all the forms, reports, and has linked tables to the database on the web server. <br><br>I've based a form in the web server database on a query of the Authorized Course Registrations. This form will be used by us to update current and add new course authorizations. When I Filter by Form to filter for particular school districts that may have authorized registrations, I get the entire list of school districts. (Which I don't understand - shouldn't I be getting just the districts that currently have authorized registrations?) Even though I don't understand, it works beautifully for the purpose of the form.<br><br>So, here's the problem - I copied the form (and underlying query) to the network server database. Now when I Filter by Form all I get in the list of school districts are the choices: "Is Not Null" and "Is Null". Anyone know what's going on?<br><br>Thanks in advance!