I am working on building a flash site at (go easy on me, I just started with flash about a month ago). The silver thing at the upper left on the first frame is a menu. It is a movie clip. When you click the red arrow, it opens up and you can select where you want to go. This works great except for two problems. First, I use the OnMovieClip event to call the startdrag and stopdrag so you can move the menu to any part of the screen. This works also, but when I click somewhere outside the movie clip and drag my mouse around, the menu still moves. Why does this happen. Secondly, suppose I open the menu and drag it over a link that is behind the movie clip. That link is still clickable, so this can be confusing as to what link your actually clicking on. How do I disable any links that are on the frame behind the movie clip.
I hope that made sense.
Thanks Mike Rohde
I hope that made sense.
Thanks Mike Rohde