Anyone experienced this in Brightstore Enterprise?
we cannot overlap multistream backups, meaning if one multistream job starts at 5pm using all 6 drives and there is one backup straggling behind taking up a drive when the other multistream job kicks off at 9pm then only 5 drives are utilized the entire time even if the straggler finishes up at 10pm. This leaves an open drive, however, Arcserv is not smart enough to know that and will continue to only write to 5 tapes/drives
I have a CA Engineer coming onsite for a month to work on this because their developers are stumped
we cannot overlap multistream backups, meaning if one multistream job starts at 5pm using all 6 drives and there is one backup straggling behind taking up a drive when the other multistream job kicks off at 9pm then only 5 drives are utilized the entire time even if the straggler finishes up at 10pm. This leaves an open drive, however, Arcserv is not smart enough to know that and will continue to only write to 5 tapes/drives
I have a CA Engineer coming onsite for a month to work on this because their developers are stumped