Crystal Reports vr9
Using oracle drivers to connect not ODBC
I have a table which contains all memo's recorded against records in the database called memo_str. I have this table in a report twice, once as an alias, as I need to get different memo data onto a report for different groups in the report.
It works fine until I place the second memo field on the report. I then get an ORA-3127 error and the whole report siezes up! I have to restart crystal reports completely to get back in.
I managed to do this link in a crystal 8.5 report ok. Is there a workaround or is it a case of creating a view with text cut into manageable pieces using substr??
Using oracle drivers to connect not ODBC
I have a table which contains all memo's recorded against records in the database called memo_str. I have this table in a report twice, once as an alias, as I need to get different memo data onto a report for different groups in the report.
It works fine until I place the second memo field on the report. I then get an ORA-3127 error and the whole report siezes up! I have to restart crystal reports completely to get back in.
I managed to do this link in a crystal 8.5 report ok. Is there a workaround or is it a case of creating a view with text cut into manageable pieces using substr??