Hello Cognos friends,
Can anybody tell me if it's possible to use the SDK or some other method to apply security to powercubes? Is Access Manager the only way to get user security in the MDL??
We are trying to avoid the administration or having 2 directory servers. The other LDAP is Oracles 10'g OID LDAP which Series 8 can connect to. We have an Application using the OID and we would like Cognos Series 8 to use the same LDAP, but we need cube level security.
If Access Manager is the only way to get cube level security and Access Manager can't connect to the OID it would look like we're not going to get it our way????
Any ideas?
Another throw closer to a win ... ???
Can anybody tell me if it's possible to use the SDK or some other method to apply security to powercubes? Is Access Manager the only way to get user security in the MDL??
We are trying to avoid the administration or having 2 directory servers. The other LDAP is Oracles 10'g OID LDAP which Series 8 can connect to. We have an Application using the OID and we would like Cognos Series 8 to use the same LDAP, but we need cube level security.
If Access Manager is the only way to get cube level security and Access Manager can't connect to the OID it would look like we're not going to get it our way????
Any ideas?
Another throw closer to a win ... ???