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2 hour freebie voicemail pro 1

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Technical User
Jul 2, 2003
When you're running voicemail pro in the 2 hour grace period, is there any reduced functionality - and how many ports is it actually running with? I would guess that it gives 2 ports, and full functionality (outcalling, voicemail to email, OK). Anyone know?

cztech /
4 ports ( which is minimum ), all unlicensed features can be used. After two hours the voice channels stop working, a reboot of IP Office gives you another two hours.
So at the very least you can set up call flows and be able to test them for demo in that amount of time. that is slick!
My experience is, all can be set up, and will work. You have two hours from boot.
If you had asked me how I know, it is because I had a PM so lousy I had cutovers scheduled without dongles, and or valid licenses more than once. As open as I am to shoot off my mouth here, can you imagine what it would have been like to be in an office with me the first time, let alone the times after, LOL? I had to program, and cutover without any licenses for my first couple IPO implements. Reboot until UPS gets there, it will be fine.

Just restart the service and you will only be down less than 30 seconds every 2 hours.
why do you ask about this? Do you have a customer or potential customer in this condition? I'm just curious
Yes, a customer that had purchased the embedded VM solution, but found it lacking with regards to :
voicemail to email



I installed the embedded; programmed accordingly

Caught up in a mid-install desire upon the customers behalf to go with vm pro

as to accommodate vm to email and outcalling

half-way through install went to vm pro w/ 2 hour grace period to accommodate these needs

hard to balance embedded and vm pro - without really knowing which way it would go

vm pro license finally came through

uploaded the license file for vm pro

now we have 4 ports vm pro, ready to go with full

functionality of vm pro;

cztech /
been there done that, every single embedded VM I've installed has come out within a short time after install. Not sure why Avaya can't make it any better but the customers always hate it, especially the auto-attn
Yes, the auto attn and basic functionality of the embedded is lacking, indeed.

I was really hoping, after the latest 4.0

that the basic IPO 4.0 w/out upgrades of any kind

and with the embedded vm

would rival the partner sytems of the past

but it is clear now, that,

it is much more cumbersome

and problematic, this IPO v. 4.0

too bad

too expensive

again, too problematic and cumbersome indeed

cztech /
in summary, and in particular,

why the able ability of the Avaya Partner systems voicemail systems to handle outcalling sufficiently

while the $$ expensive IPO solution - offered perhaps to a similar market - is wholly incapable and deficient.

I have just replaced a Partner system with a


with embedded

and have struggled to disguise to the customer

why the new investment with embedded voicemail IPO v.4.0 EMBEDDED ))

is wholly inferior

to their prior solution. That of a technology 15 years prior..

cztech /
Sounds to me like the salesperson doesn't know the IPO, or the Partner system well enough to sell either. If they had known both products it would be easy to ask what features they use on the Partner, to determine the minimum needs for the IPO prior to bidding. I say this because the only other option is that the sales guy is only concerned with selling, and not concerned with a value added, or equal solution for the customer. Or, that the salesperson does not really care about filling the customers needs, but only their pockets. Since we all know that is not the case ignorance, or incompetence must be the answer.

I have never had an imbed VM in for longer than a month before the VMPRO was ordered. When they hear what the VMPRO can do after they are dealing with the answer no to all their requests from the Imbed, they upgrade soon. I think the best way to sell the VM PRO is to install the imbed for free, they will pay to get rid of it. I am almost joking here.

Go sell Partners and leave IP Office for the competitors.
I get a bit tired of people complaining here all the time about IP Office, if it is not good enough go to Avaya or stop with IP Office.
This forum is here for engineers helping each other.
I work both products, they have their advantages each depending on the situation. IPO is not always a better solution depending on many factors, including features the IPO does not have in some of its configurations vs the partner. My complaint was that the partner outperforms in some situations the IPO, and the salesguy should know that.
I do think the IPO is a great product in all except its' GA software release forms. I have not helped people as much as you do, but I do try to help, and openly share the knowledge I have. Also, giving your honest opinion of a specific release, or specific configuration of hardware is also trying to help other engineers, whether you agree with their opinion or not. I am sure you could make and have made a valid complaint about the ipo which may help a less experienced tech to avoid a pitfall. If the sales guys that sell the imbed to replace the partner read this thread, they might learn something.
I will try to complain less though as it seems I have been doing so too much since I have had someone who has made a serious complaint themselves about the IPO predict my response to be forthcoming in the negative.
The IPO koolaid drinking ones who never make a serious criticism of the IPO have no credibility.

I never said IP Office is a better solution, what i mean to say is that resellers should choose the best solution for a customer as possible, what brand that is does not matter.
Once choosen a solution and it does not fit to the customers requirements then it is the fault of the reseller and not a fault in the system.
Once that has happenend it is useless to start complaining here, go to the manufacturer and complain there, they might be able to help.
you can also regain connectivity with vm pro by stopping and starting the vm pro service in run>services.msc on the server to minimize downtime
write a bat file

net stop VoicemailProServer
net start VoicemailProServer

and put it in scheduled tasks to run every 1 hour 55mins or so... use multiple schedule and have duration set to 24hours.

Our license dongle got loaned to a client to prove VMPro's worth, and had to set our own in house system to do this in the meantime...
haven't noticed it at all not working.
Be aware of wav file playing new message on phone manager though when it restarts...

Reminds me... gotta get that dongle back!

No substitute for ordering a license and charging the customer for legitimate product though.!!

Thats extremely dodgy thing to do.

Whats worse I'm betting that those that use the above method fail to inform there customers that any callers in VM/AA will get disconnected.
Like I said AgileSup, no substitute for the real product license.
In the case where I had to loan our REAL license dongle to the customer, they needed multiple billing periods / months to see benefit before purchasing and the trial license isn't long enough.
Some of us can't purchase the product as cheap as others can, or even be "eligible" for a demo system inhouse....
and still provide support and advice openly and honestly without sales #$(*))(@#$.

In the cases where there are issues with the license server or an implementation that got the wrong licenses... Distributor/Ordering or PM stuff up etc. Save face for the company and give better service to their system than manually restarting it every 2 hours.
If it gets someone out of a tough situation with a client occasionally then use it.
I don't recommend ever using this on a customers site unless really in the crap... And to be fair it's very rarely the tech who stuffed up ay.

On a different note.. voicemail lite as a service..


Not limited to voicemail lite of course.

DON'T tick interact with desktop in services... doing so will stop the app when the user logs off. (seems to on the sites i've seen)
Even with all users logged off or after a reboot, voicemail lite still runs. Hope this helps
telcotechavaya, have you used that service on any other Avaya applications, specifically I am looking at the CCC Wallboard Server, it's great until the server reboots and if no one is there to login it will wait. If it were a service it would help a lot of customers a great deal.
I haven't tried it myself, but it's easy enough to make the service manual to start with.
The Delta Server would ideally want to be started first, so the wallboard server has something to connect to...?
If it doesn't play nice, the app is still installed as it always was, just disable the service and run the app as normal again.
I'll give it a whirl inhouse and see what happens...
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