I passed the 1Z0-001 and 1Z0-101 exams in 6/6i developer track. I took exam 1Z0-131 also.But I did not pass(got 42 marks). I practiced self test software questions also. But still I need some more material to practice. I saw instructor led trainnig info in couple messages. What is that? How much it's cost? Is that usefull to pass that exam?
and I want to buy/download goodbooks/material for that exam. Any suggetions please..
I passed the 1Z0-001 and 1Z0-101 exams in 6/6i developer track. I took exam 1Z0-131 also.But I did not pass(got 42 marks). I practiced self test software questions also. But still I need some more material to practice. I saw instructor led trainnig info in couple messages. What is that? How much it's cost? Is that usefull to pass that exam?
and I want to buy/download goodbooks/material for that exam. Any suggetions please..