I have a very small dll that only contains 1 simple dialog with two member variables
message boxes work ok but the do modal returns -1 and the last error is 1812
Can anyone shed any light on this one?
Go not to cats for advice for they will just walk over the keyboard
#define DLLExport _declspec( dllexport )
extern "C"
DLLExport int GetUserLoginAuto(char * pszUserName, BOOL* pbPermission);
int GetUserLoginAuto(char * pszUserName, BOOL* pbPermission)
CPermissions test;
int nRet = test.DoModal();
*pbPermission = test.m_bAutoLogin;
if (nRet !=IDOK)
test.m_nErrorCode = nRet;
return test.m_nErrorCode;
message boxes work ok but the do modal returns -1 and the last error is 1812
Can anyone shed any light on this one?
Go not to cats for advice for they will just walk over the keyboard