I just picked up a 1602 for a good price, actually, they are almost always a good price nobody seems to want them for lab work even though you can run 56K back to back.. go figure.
ANyways.. it came with a 6 meg SMART flashcard and some flavor of IOS loaded on it. It's RO which surprises me.. I did not think the flashcards would be read only.. I know the card is much more like a PCMCIA TypeII ( thicker then my 8 meg flash) No switches for protection etc.. I guess the question is twofold.. is it really RO in the router? Is there someway to reload a IOS on it? Not having many flashcards to play with, I'm winging it a bit here.
All advice welcomed
Mike S
"Diplomacy; the art of saying 'nice doggie' till you can find a rock" Wynn Catlin
ANyways.. it came with a 6 meg SMART flashcard and some flavor of IOS loaded on it. It's RO which surprises me.. I did not think the flashcards would be read only.. I know the card is much more like a PCMCIA TypeII ( thicker then my 8 meg flash) No switches for protection etc.. I guess the question is twofold.. is it really RO in the router? Is there someway to reload a IOS on it? Not having many flashcards to play with, I'm winging it a bit here.
All advice welcomed
Mike S
"Diplomacy; the art of saying 'nice doggie' till you can find a rock" Wynn Catlin