To answer the original question, you could add three months to the current date like this:
CDate(DateAdd ('M',-12,DateAdd('M',3,CurrentDate)))
Howard Hammerman,
Editor and Publisher of Database Reporting Made Easy newsletter
I need to pull the last full 12 months of data. I have a field, RCV_DATE. I need all data where RCV_DATE is any date within the last 12 full months.
I'm lost. There's LastFullMonth, and LastFullWeek, but nothing for year. Linda
Thank you for saving me SO much time. It works great, except for one weird thing. When I run it today (11/18), it returns data up to and including 10/30. I know there is data with a RCV_DATE of 10/31 since I can run an SQL on it. If I add a +1 to the end of your formula, I will get all the data.
I don't really understand that, but it works. Maybe has something to do with my RCV_DATE being date/time field right down to the millisecond.
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