Is there a known fault with rouge faults on sites which have been upgraded to BC12.. reporting 102 alarms as blips, for all mags (DSU) and showing inf2 as 4 (Ringer)
cards have been changed as have PSU's REU and PU5dc, also assorted line cards
do your ATS ring when calling?
Do you have connected correctly the cable that distribute the ring voltage between the PU5DC of the the magasin of the LIM?
sorry to not agree but that is not fixing the problem, it is hiding the alarm. REU exists in the LIM with PU4DC cards so there should be no alarm. This CNREC can be used for RG5DC as does not need REU in that case, but not here.
I dunno about it being BC12 specific......I have the same problem occasionally in my BC9 system which coincided with our upgrade from R4 to BC6 (BSU/SSU's to LSU/DSU's) -- I'll get the same alarm, and the *only* way I've found to fix it is to send CNREC:LIM=X, REU=NO;
The analog phones still ring, but the LIM doesn't look for the REU anymore. Weird huh?
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