*We have 2 Merlin Magix systems using a point
to point with a 100dcd at both ends
slot 06 in site A (centralized voicemail)
slot 02 in site B
*we are breaking off the first 18 channels as Data
and channels 19-23 voice and 24 as the d-channel
*we have programmed the channels as data (R)
my question is when it asks for data 1 or data 2
data 1 refers to the v.35 connection and data 2
refers to the rs232 connection
*we want to use data 1 and I imagine change the speed
to 64k from default of 56k per channel ...we are passing
this off to a data vendor who is using a cisco 1600 router
with drop and insert v.35 connections to network both sides
on the data portion is there anything eles special we need
to do ...as this is not an INA board we don't have to worry
about anything but ports and speed
going into the dsu programming chosing data 1 and changing the speed from 56 to 64 per channel will give them 1152k
to point with a 100dcd at both ends
slot 06 in site A (centralized voicemail)
slot 02 in site B
*we are breaking off the first 18 channels as Data
and channels 19-23 voice and 24 as the d-channel
*we have programmed the channels as data (R)
my question is when it asks for data 1 or data 2
data 1 refers to the v.35 connection and data 2
refers to the rs232 connection
*we want to use data 1 and I imagine change the speed
to 64k from default of 56k per channel ...we are passing
this off to a data vendor who is using a cisco 1600 router
with drop and insert v.35 connections to network both sides
on the data portion is there anything eles special we need
to do ...as this is not an INA board we don't have to worry
about anything but ports and speed
going into the dsu programming chosing data 1 and changing the speed from 56 to 64 per channel will give them 1152k