I have just discovered that on about 10 bix I have 100V instead of 25V.It is right at the output of the PBX without anything connected to it.I CCC the line and nothing works.How can this be possible...Could it be more than one damaged card!Please help...
I think Ozzie is correct that you most likely are seeing the voltage for an analog message waiting light.
btw.. you don't hear of people using BIX punch down blocks very much where are you located?
You guys are right it is the voltage of the message waiting lamp..(100V DC)I went crazy and I started to disconnect many lines before I discovered it was the signal used by the messaging system to light the lamp.By the way I am located in Quebec city.What do you mean not using BIX what do you use? Thank you very much for your replies.
BIX is very common up in Canadia....
I really like Krone and figured Telecom (sorry Telstra) in Oz just used it because it was the best and when your a monopoly money is usually no object. Hardly ever use it in the US because of the cost.
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