We have 3 Xeon 2.8 Ghz 4GB Dell Servers running Windows 2000 Metaframe XPe FR2.
On two of them, they always show 100% page file usage but the page file is only 20Mb in size.
They tend to use about 1GB of ram on an average day.
The remaining server tends to have a 2Gb swap file and never shows high usage in resource manager.
All three servers have been configured the same and are all set to have a page file of 5GB in size.
Does anyone have any ideas what is going on?
On two of them, they always show 100% page file usage but the page file is only 20Mb in size.
They tend to use about 1GB of ram on an average day.
The remaining server tends to have a 2Gb swap file and never shows high usage in resource manager.
All three servers have been configured the same and are all set to have a page file of 5GB in size.
Does anyone have any ideas what is going on?