Karl Blessing
Upstairs I got the NIC working just fine, install it's drivers, setup some protocals, etc etc, i'm also using a 10mbit hub that both are pluged into, the second machine downstairs, has the same type of NIC cept, when i install the correct drivers, windows will freeze before it can even complete bootup, and if i try what it wants for drivers, the hardware is disabled, and cannot be used. I also tried switching PCI slots(Sometimes this works on some devices, it'll install a fresh new batch)<br>
same prob, now i just got it on there, showing, says it's there, and ok, but no responce from it, and adapter isnt even listed in the network properties.<br>
any clue? <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>
same prob, now i just got it on there, showing, says it's there, and ok, but no responce from it, and adapter isnt even listed in the network properties.<br>
any clue? <p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@bellsouth.net>kb244@bellsouth.net</a><br><a href= </a><br>