I have one Domaine with different email accounts. Now i want to configure some of the accounts in one server and the other ones in a second server.
The problem ist that i coudn't send mails from account1@whatever.com (configured in mailserver1) to for example account50@whatever.com (configured in mailserver2).
How can I tell Mdaemon in Server1 that he has to deliver a mail for someone with the same domaine-name, but configured on another server.
I hope that someone can understand my english (we will see)
The problem ist that i coudn't send mails from account1@whatever.com (configured in mailserver1) to for example account50@whatever.com (configured in mailserver2).
How can I tell Mdaemon in Server1 that he has to deliver a mail for someone with the same domaine-name, but configured on another server.
I hope that someone can understand my english (we will see)