Thank you to those who helped me with my first question on TekTips last month. It got me moving in the right direction. I’ve nearly completed my project to the stage where it can start being tested! A bit of history. I am developing a database that will track veteran patients in community hospitals. Most of those in the community hospital should be transferred to our hospital. We receive a call from the community hospital notifying us that the veteran has been admitted. We then put him on the “Tranfer List” which has been an excel spreadsheet. We (I) are now developing a database to track this program and try to provide better service. I have created two entry forms, one for the business office tracking the $$$ and one for the transfer office tracking the veterans. I have one report, a transfer list that is used daily. The issue is that somehow, the transfer report adds people to the report twice. Not every person, and not every time. The other issue is that I need to group these people, first by the date we enter them on the list, and then by their list status. How do I fix the problem of people appearing twice, and how to I group/sort? them on the list?