It's actually a 1 Farad capacitor that acts like a battery. My experience has been that these last about 5 years, sometimes longer. The cap is soldered to the main board inside the 0x32, so you have to completely disassemble the cabinet to get access to it. Brian Cox
J & J Communications
As 2 followup questions I would ask
1) How do you know when the capacitor has failed?
2) These switches are supposed to last way more than 5 years. How do you service this motherboard without replacing it bacause if you have to replace it you loose all of your software codes (like PRI Enasbler)?
The only way to know for sure that the cap has failed is if programming defaults after a power interruption. I wish Nortel would build in some sort of indicator that warns of low voltage like the Avaya Partner ACS.
As for the PRI keycode, that is why you keep these records so they can be restored in case of a loss of programming, such as if you wanted to reinstall the system. The cap should last more than 5 years, but sooner or later it WILL fail. Brian Cox
J & J Communications
I don't think so, although there might be a way to view the PRI keycode using the debug procedure. Just have to figure out where it is stored in memory. Brian Cox
J & J Communications
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