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0115 error but no external object

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Mar 13, 2001
I am getting this error:
error 'ASP 0115'
Unexpected error


A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

But the page has NOT got any external objects via CreateObject, all it uses is
and a session variable

The error happens randomly, can anyone shed light on this strange behaviour.

hi. i got this from TechNet. you may want to check on this. hope this helps

PSS ID Number: Q173741
Article last modified on 05-03-2000

WINDOWS:1.0; :1.0,1.0b


The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual InterDev, version 1.0
- Microsoft Active Server Pages, versions 1.0, 1.0b


The following error occurs randomly when submitting a HTML form:

error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error

/<web name>/<asp file name>.asp

A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue

Again, the error occurs randomly.


The following conditions cause the error to occur:

1. The elements of the submitting form are not named. For example, <input
type=&quot;Text&quot;> instead of <input type=&quot;Text&quot; name=&quot;textinput&quot;>.

2. The form must have a &quot;Input&quot; or &quot;Select&quot; element. In other words, the form
must pass values associated with the &quot;Input&quot; or &quot;Select&quot; tags to the server.

3. You have code that accesses the Forms Collection from a second Active Server
Pages (ASP) page. For example, the &quot;Action&quot; parameter of the &quot;Form&quot; tag
points to an .asp file other than itself. And the code accesses the forms
collection via 'Request.Forms(&quot;var&quot;)'. NOTE: at this time we have been unable
to reproduce the error when the &quot;Action&quot; parameter points to itself -- the
.asp file in which the form is defined.

4. You have code that accesses memory; as in, 'Session(&quot;variable&quot;)=value'. This
condition is very touchy, sometimes just changing the name of the variable
will remove the symptoms.


Name each element--including the form itself--in the form.


Change the name of the variable, see condition 4 in the CAUSE section above.


Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information here in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

1. Create a Virtual Root (or project in VID).

2. Add the two files below to the project.

3. Preview the &quot;Testvb.asp&quot; in a browser.

4. Repeatedly (anywhere from 1-20 times) click OK until the error occurs.

<%@ LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; %>



<form action=&quot;calendarcase.asp&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot;>

<input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;Month2&quot; size=&quot;1&quot;>
<input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;OK&quot; >


=========end frmsubmit.asp============


<%@ LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; %>

'Access the forms collection

'The below code -- setting the session variable -- is also necessary.
I ' suspect setting the session variable below just accesses the
'corrupted forms collection memory and causes the error.
Session(&quot;SelectedMonthNumber&quot;) = &quot;1&quot;

response.redirect &quot;testvb.asp&quot;

=========end frmaction.asp======================


For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual
InterDev and Active Server Pages, see the following page on the Microsoft
Technical Support site:

Additional query words:

Keywords : kbcode kbASP kbVBScript kbVisID kbGrpASP kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:1.0; :1.0,1.0b
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.
hi. i got this article from technet. hope this helps.


The following error occurs randomly when submitting a HTML form:

error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error

/<web name>/<asp file name>.asp

A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue

Again, the error occurs randomly.


The following conditions cause the error to occur:

1. The elements of the submitting form are not named. For example, <input
type=&quot;Text&quot;> instead of <input type=&quot;Text&quot; name=&quot;textinput&quot;>.

2. The form must have a &quot;Input&quot; or &quot;Select&quot; element. In other words, the form
must pass values associated with the &quot;Input&quot; or &quot;Select&quot; tags to the server.

3. You have code that accesses the Forms Collection from a second Active Server
Pages (ASP) page. For example, the &quot;Action&quot; parameter of the &quot;Form&quot; tag
points to an .asp file other than itself. And the code accesses the forms
collection via 'Request.Forms(&quot;var&quot;)'. NOTE: at this time we have been unable
to reproduce the error when the &quot;Action&quot; parameter points to itself -- the
.asp file in which the form is defined.

4. You have code that accesses memory; as in, 'Session(&quot;variable&quot;)=value'. This
condition is very touchy, sometimes just changing the name of the variable
will remove the symptoms.


Name each element--including the form itself--in the form.


Change the name of the variable, see condition 4 in the CAUSE section above.
i found another article. you may want to check on this also

PSS ID Number: Q177036
Article last modified on 10-19-2000


The information in this article applies to:

- Active Server Pages
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0


On a machine running IIS 3, ASP 115 errors may occur when values are stored in
the session object variables such as &quot;Session(&quot;lngCustomerMasterID&quot;)=52999.&quot; The
following error page appears:

error 'ASP 0115'
Unexpected error


A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot
continue running.


The session object was attempting to free Variant data because the Variant data
type was not set correctly.

Variant data types are used to store values in the session object since a variant
can be used to represent a wide variety of data types from data to object
pointers. When a variant is used to store a value, the data type field must be
set in the variant structure so the Variant APIs know how to handle the data.
For example an integer would have a different data type setting than an object
pointer, so the VariantClear API would know to set the data to 0 instead of free
an object pointer.


A supported fix is now available, but has not been fully regression tested and
should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. Unless you
are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you
wait for the next Service Pack that contains this fix. Contact Microsoft
Technical Support for more information.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Active Server Pages
version 1.0b.


To resolve this problem under IIS 3, obtain the following fix (Asp- sesfix.exe)
or wait for the next Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 Service Pack. Note
that the fix is only intended for IIS 3.0 and installing on a machine running
IIS 4.0 will cause problems.

The fix should have the following timestamp:

12/9/97 2:15PM Version 1.24.09 (i386)
12/9/97 2:58PM Version 1.24.09 (Alpha)

This hotfix has been posted to the following Internet location:


NOTE: The above link is one path; it has been wrapped for readability.

NOTE: Internet Information Server 3.0, included with Windows NT Server Service
Pack 3, must be applied to Windows NT 4.0 prior to applying this fix. The new
version of the Asp.dll file must be registered using the following command:
&quot;Regsvr32.exe Asp.dll.&quot;


For the latest Knowledge Base articles and other support information on Visual
InterDev and Active Server Pages, please see the following pages on the
Microsoft Technical Support site:

Additional query words: asp kbaspbug

Keywords : kberrmsg kbASP kbASPObj kbGrpASP kbDSupport kbiis300 kbiis300bug
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbASPsearch
Version : winnt:3.0
Hardware : ALPHA x86
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.
another article. :)

PSS ID Number: Q198929
Article last modified on 05-11-1999



The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0


When you use the Web Administration tool to create an expiration policy, you may
receive the following error saving the change:

error 'ASP 0115'
Unexpected error
<path to asp file>
A trappable error occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue

In some cases, the browser may stop responding or one or more frames may become
disabled (grayed out).

NOTE: This ONLY occurs on the addition of the FIRST expiration policy. If the
computer is rebooted, the expiration policy is in place, and the Web
Administration tool will allow subsequent policies to be added.


Create the first expiration policy using the Microsoft Management Console.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Internet Information
Server version 4.0.

Additional query words: locked hung freeze mmc

Keywords :
Version : winnt:4.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbnofix
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.

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