We've got a customer who's getting a busy signal on some of her DID's.
The T1 provider, whose giving us four digits, said it's because the IP Office has an issue with a 0 (Zero) being the leading digit. The numbers are like 0218, 0219...
Is this BS or what?
First, I've never heard of this. Second, doesn't IP Office read the digits from end to beginning (backwards?)
Dispensing quality rants and mishaps since 1999:
The T1 provider, whose giving us four digits, said it's because the IP Office has an issue with a 0 (Zero) being the leading digit. The numbers are like 0218, 0219...
Is this BS or what?
First, I've never heard of this. Second, doesn't IP Office read the digits from end to beginning (backwards?)
Dispensing quality rants and mishaps since 1999: