Thanks for your response. :)
I am unable to group by staff because of how we need to bill. Basically, we provide services to client and then bill the client's insurance for those services. We must submit our billing to for each client insurance in units. How to calculate units: All the minutes...
I'm using crystal 8.5 and ODBC.
I'm just learning about arrays so bear with me.
I'm working on a productivity report where I'm trying to list certain statistics such as much billable service each staff provided in a user defined reporting period. How many and which staff appear in the report...
From what I have read perusing other threads in these Crystal forums, this is a common crystal problem (slow performance when using the same table in both the main report and a subreport)...being that others have encountered it I was hoping someone had found some sort of loop hole.
Still hoping...
i'm using Cache 5.0, Crystal 8.0, ODBC.
What I mean by view table is I would like to create a duplicate table of say staff_tx_history. I want this view_table to always reflect exactly what is in the staff_tx_history at any time. I use this table a lot in my reports and in reports that utilize...
I am using Crystal 8.0 with ODBC
I would like to create a view_table of one of the tables we use frequently in reports because there are some situations where I have been not able to get away from using subreports, and using the same table in both your main report and subreport drastically...
This didn't work either, as making this change causes it to count 1 per service code (not necessarily the desired "3010") that has a date_of_service <= {?RunDate}-90
causing two problems, 1) I'm counting for service codes other than "3010" and 2) it is counting more that one per patient...
yes, this is exactly what I had. I've triple checked the formulas and the placement, but it is still counting 1 per client if they have ever had a row of data where the date_of_service for "3010" is 90 days past the current date. I'm not familiar with some of the formulas you used-so I could be...
Tried it, but it didn't work. I've doubled checked to make sure I followed your suggestions to the tee.
I am guessing that in the {@accum} formula the "maximum({yourformula})" meant for me to insert the maximum I created for Group #3 "Maximum ({@FtF Overdue}, {staff_tx_history.SERVICE_CODE})"...
Thanks for the responses, but I think I didn't explain my problem very well. I would like to count the number of times that the "Face to Face" message appears only when it is the last record, hence my placing my display info for the 3rd group in the footer. I am including a date_of_service field...
I'm new at this Crystal stuff so bear with me.
I am using Version 8.5.
I am building a report where I include a number of notification messages by using formulas such as:
IF isnull({episode_history.date_of_discharge}) AND {staff_tx_history.SERVICE_CODE}="3010" and {?Run date} >=...
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