Another way I have used is to create a computed field in the datawindow asc... like: asc(sortcolum)
then add this column before your sortcolumn in the sort of the dw.
the reason you can't find these functions in the help is because they are not part of the basic transation object...
you will have to find which descendant transaction object is associated with SQLCA (app object properties, additional properties button, variable types tab)
find and open this...
If I understand correctly, you have one datawindow with 5 column as DropDown Datawindows. If this is the case, in the itemchanged of the main datawindow, you will have something like:
Datawindowchild ldwc
If dwo.name = "<name of d1's column>" then
getchild( <name of d2's column>, ldwc)...
Hi again,
I guess the suppress option is new in 10.5 because I have not seen it in PB 10.0's help.
I have a solution for you to try though... it is not perfect but you may find it works for you:
with a boolean instance variable ib_FirstOnly
in your ue_print event:
Long ll_job
ll_Job =...
in script, you can modify the height of bands this way:
<DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Header.Height='0'
<DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Header.group1.Height='0'
<DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Detail.Height='0'
<DW Control Name>.Object.DataWindow.Trailer.group1.Height='0'
Hello MJ
My suggestion to you is to look at the option of a separate .exe... you can pass what you need it to do by commandline or in a table of your database.
As far as I know, it is the only way to have a process in the background.
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