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Search results for query: *

  • Users: positran
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  1. positran

    Running Access Queries

    What I would do is use the Execute method of the database object.<br><br>dim dbMAIN as database<br>set dbMAIN = dbengine.opendatabase(&quot;c:\scs.mdb&quot;)<br>dbMAIN.Execute(&quot;YOUR SQL STATEMENT HERE&quot;)<br><br>If you go the SQL view in Access you can cut and paste in the SQL that your...
  2. positran

    filtering a recordset

    What kind of error are you getting?<br><br>You should be able to shorten the SQL to this:<br><br>&quot;SELECT Nam, Phone1<br>From Customer_File<br>WHERE CustNo = '&quot; & strCasAcctNumber & &quot;';&quot;<br><br>Also make sure that the 'strCasAcctNumber' variable matches the variable type in...
  3. positran

    Please recommend ORACLE/SQL/VB reference book

    I have a book called VB6 Database.&nbsp;&nbsp;You are going to have to use DAO or ADO to connect to that and there is a good number of books on that subject.<br><br>Good Luck
  4. positran

    VB created dll.... will it run in VFP

    I believe that the Active X Dll's creted in VB can be used in any dev enviroment that supports Active X Dll's.&nbsp;&nbsp;I would expect that if you are using DAO that you would have to have the appropriate Dll's for it to otherwise your dll will not be able to create the DAO object
  5. positran


    before printing the report try<br><br>cr1.retrievedatafiles<br><br>
  6. positran


    Best to put definitions into a .cpp. The class should be a general declaration of what variables and functions are available. The .cpp defines those variables and functions as to specifically how they will be used. Keeps it clearer.
  7. positran

    Add labels on a form programatically

    You could also you a flexgrid control. Not as easy to add and delete items but it does give you control of colors and you get the added benefit of rows and columns. Neat Project<br> <br> Pos.
  8. positran

    Newbie Question - Format in a Label

    any time you output to the label <br> <br> Label1.Caption = format(LocalVar, &quot;currency&quot;)
  9. positran

    where can I find an active x controller to access serial port ?

    Saxcomm makes a good 3rd party control that can be plugged in with little trouble. It has many more features than MSComm including built in protocols like Xmodem and Ymodem. Although fairly expensive I have used it and there is a 30 day trial.
  10. positran

    Working with DBase III files

    I have code snips for you ...but not with me. Do you know how to connect to Access? It is very much the same with a few mods.<br> <br> Will try to post my snips...<br> <br> <br> pos
  11. positran

    Need Help Using MSHFlexGrid

    not sure how to show the check box. I use the words active/inactive or checked/unchecked. <br> <br> When user clicks on the grid the row and column property are set to that box.<br> <br> try this to see:<br> <br> private sub flxGrid_Click()<br> <br> msgbox "Row &gt; " & flxGrid.row & " Column...
  12. positran


    don't know....that attribute can be set during runtime or design time. Works fine on my end. To Chips point you must be sure that your users are aware that changing time values on the pc can effect the performance or your app. <br> <br> Way to go Chip....just goes to show how little I consider...
  13. positran


    masked edit control works fine. I agree that it can be challenging to work with at time. <br> <br> set your mask property to ##/##/####. This guarantees that users can only enter numbers and causes a trappable error if they do not complete the date. set the Prompt Include to false. If set...
  14. positran

    ADO Connection

    you absolutely need to use app.path or use an external storage place (registry or .ini) to tell the app where the file is. To avoid all that nonsense simple indicate the entire path in code and do not give your users a choice as to where they want to install the app. To do that you need to...
  15. positran


    shouldn't be too tough...just depends on what you want to do with it. Need more info
  16. positran

    Scheduling a task

    MIke...Is this for a batch file to be run on NT? WHat you are saying is write a batch file then execute it from the VB app?<br> <br> Although the using a timer control is extra overhead you could use it to check the time and execute if the time is right. Or have your users use the system agent...
  17. positran

    How to display command line output?

    Love to help you here...but to my knowledge(somewhat limited :)) does't do this. :(. <br> <br> Hey...you could output to a batch file...then execute the batch file? (use echo to out to screen...use a .pif to control the MS-dos screen) Might be worth a try! Thanks for the info in...
  18. positran

    Date and Number text box component...

    The masked edit control is also a good way to input dates as it allows you to control what keys are accepted and in what format. For a date you have to enter ##/##/##. This will not accept letters (only numbers) and will cause an error if user enters say....45/45/45.
  19. positran

    Executing code

    first of all you would have to make sure that users were aware of the names of the events they are trying to trigger. YOu would have to use a series of if..then statements to check the text in text1. If the if...then statement finds a match you could fire of the event.<br> <br> private sub...

Part and Inventory Search
