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  • Users: jm99
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  1. jm99

    Hi Guys Are there any characters

    Thanks for the response. I tried w3c and think that the spec says that only a sub-set of ASCII can be used. However, I've been sticking all manner of values into the title attribute and IE 5/5.5 appears to have no problem with them. I guess that I'll just have to accept the reality of what is...
  2. jm99

    Hi Guys Are there any characters

    Hi Guys Are there any characters that cannot be used in html tag attributes, (apart from the id/name)? E.g. Could I use the unicode for japanese symbols in a title att? I have been testing this with european characters but I was wondering if there is a definitive list that says what can and...
  3. jm99

    parseFloat in a French browser

    Sorry guys, I missed the closing script tag on the last post <html> <head> <script> <!-- function testParse(){ var a = '1,3'; alert(parseFloat(a)+2); } --> </script> </head> <body> <input type=button value='Click Me' onclick='testParse();'> </body> </html>
  4. jm99

    parseFloat in a French browser

    Hi Guys I'm trying to establish if non-English browsers have a different implementation of parseFloat(). For example, if I enter 1,30 into a French installation of IE 5 will this be parsed as one dollar thirty cents or one dollar? I've changed the regional settings of my Windows 2k...
  5. jm99

    I18N of JS floats

    Hi jared The particular problem that I'm trying to address wouldn't affect you as I guess that you've got the machine set to a US locale. The issue that I have is that not all locales use a '.' and I'm trying to establish if the js engine in the browser is smart enough to swap the separator...
  6. jm99

    I18N of JS floats

    Thanks jared Could you just tell me what your locale is, (what regional settings are in place) Cheers
  7. jm99

    I18N of JS floats

    Hi Guys Is it the case that parseFloat will ALWAYS successfully parse a float that is formatted with the user's local decimal indicator. E.g. A German browser will correctly parse one dollar seventeen cents formatted as 1,17? Thanks in advance
  8. jm99

    homework assignment for writing program question

    and another in my listing of isFound ;-> Replace if(data==val) with if(data[i]==val)
  9. jm99

    homework assignment for writing program question

    Hi Tammy351 There's a solution below that meets the bare-bones of the requirements. Note that there was a mistake in the main method, (assigning the result of r.nextInt() to the array rather than to a position in the array). Hope this helps //Program Starts here import java.util.*; public...
  10. jm99

    Array Sorting Question

    You could put a filter routine in front of the call to sort() or reverse() to remove the duplicates. Removing elements in the sort is going to give you problems because the script-engine is building a new array based on your return values but I guess you could avoid that problem by scattering...
  11. jm99

    Disable the browser's print button

    Are you using something like: window.open(&quot;url&quot;, &quot;name&quot;, &quot;atts&quot;); to create the pop-up? If so, then you can simply append the parameters to the url string e.g. myUrl.jsp?paramOne=testingOne&paramTwo=testingTwo These would then be available to the jsp containing in...
  12. jm99

    Hi Guys I've been puzzling over

    Normally I'd say that body.onload is a fine location for such a script but the implementation is using JSP, (so there's no direct access to the body tag server-side by the time that this table-building routine is hit). I know that I can add a function to the body tag onload, (there's an faq...
  13. jm99

    Applets in ie 5.5.?

    I think that you just need to download the JRE from Sun and everything will be fine.
  14. jm99

    Hi Guys I've been puzzling over

    That's great boomerang but I was wondering if anybody knows of a way to have 'three' automatically expand in that fashion, (i.e. without having to explicitly set the height attribute). I'll take a peak at the specs again and post back if I find anything. Thanks for your help
  15. jm99

    Hi Guys I've been puzzling over

    Hi Erik The effect that I'm trying to achieve is approximately: One Two Three rather than One Two Three The <br> tags in the first column are there to simulate the presence of a large quantity of text that I thought would detract from the issue. Any help appreciated...
  16. jm99

    Hi Guys I've been puzzling over

    Hi Guys I've been puzzling over this one for a few hours now so I thought I'd open it up to the floor. Basically, I want the second cell in the second column to immediately follow the first cell in the second column, i.e. For there to be no vertical space between them. Due to the nature of...
  17. jm99

    calling IE

    Get the Runtime object (Runtimt r = Runtime.getRuntime())& then call r.exec(&quot;the_location_of_your_ie_exe&quot;)
  18. jm99

    sun java training

    I attended one in the UK a couple of years ago and didn't have a great experience. As with most courses the benefit gained is very dependent on the trainer. When the guy introduced himself as, &quot;new to Java but with plenty of C++ experience&quot;, I knew that it didn't bode well. See if...
  19. jm99

    help on invalid column number...

    Hi GoSooJJ When I encounter this error it's normally because I've 'forgotten' that column indexes in a ResultSet are not zero-based. Either that or I'm making a call to a statement that takes input parameters and I'm registering too many. Post the code that is spawning the exception and it...
  20. jm99

    I need ticker

    Try using a clip region, this should give you all the features that you require.

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