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Search results for query: *

  1. BruceHesher

    Wait command

    Put this declare statement in a module, you will then be able to call sleep in any forms code. Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'example 5 second wait Call Sleep(5000)
  2. BruceHesher

    Finding a specific record using two fields

    Have you tried using the member access operator "!"? rstCus.MoveFirst For loops = 1 to rstCus.recordcount IF rstCus!LastName = mlname AND rst!FirstName = mfname THEN ... do something ... rstCus.MoveNext END IF Next loops
  3. BruceHesher

    Adding a Row in a Flex Grid

    The MSFlexGrid component has an AddItem method. For example: create a form with a MSFlexGrid and a command button. Put the below code in the buttons click event. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To 10 MSFlexGrid1.AddItem (x) Next x End Sub This should add a...
  4. BruceHesher

    command button to send down arrow

    I have a form that contains a command button and a ListView control. I want the ListView to receive a down arrow when the user clicks on the command button. Any ideas?
  5. BruceHesher

    Any utility software can help?

    As far as I know compiling VB source code is a one way ticket. There are decompiliers that can take an exe and generate assembly from it. But, after VB compiles an exe the information that would be needed to regenerate the source code simply no longer exists. I hope somebody can prove me...
  6. BruceHesher

    Does anyone know of a tutorial o

    Does anyone know of a tutorial or reference on using the treeview and listview controls to show the folders and files on a drive?
  7. BruceHesher

    making a back up of access db in a vb command button

    There are a couple of ways you can do this. You can simply use the filecopy command and give it any path/filename you want. To restore it you can again use the filecopy command. Or, you can use the compact database method of the database engine as follows: Private Sub cmdBackup_Click()...
  8. BruceHesher


    If you want your timer to do something say at 5 minutes you can do something like this: 1) create a global variable (ie. DIM TimeToAct As int) and set its value to 0. 2) put a timer on the form and set the timer event at 60000 mS. AKA 1 minute. 3) In the timer event: TimetoAct = TimeToAct +...
  9. BruceHesher

    access 2000 with package, backward compatible?

    Yes. I assume that you are using VB with an Access MDB file. If you create the MDB file in Access 2000, use the database utilities to save it as prior Access version. Use a data control and in the Connect property of the data control specify "Access" not "Access 2000&quot...
  10. BruceHesher

    Can a DirListBox show hidden folders?

    I have written a progran that displays a DirListBox and a FileListBox so the user can select files. Hidden files can be displayed by simply setting the Hidden property of the FileListBox to true. The DirListBox does not have a hidden property. Is there a way to get the DirListBox to show...
  11. BruceHesher

    plgblt API equivalent in W98 ?

    I have written a program that uses plgblt (parallagram block tranfer) to rotate the picture in an image control. It works OK under Windows 2000 but the W98 API does not support it. Does anyone know of a W98 equivalent?
  12. BruceHesher

    need help w/ filecopy in vb6

    Asside from the obvious answer of using a bigger disk, LS120 or Zip100/250, you might consider using PKZip or WinZip. The command line pkzip program has an option for spanning multiple disks. From within Vb you could use the shell statement to use it.
  13. BruceHesher

    Data Grid

    When a form is loaded the resize event fires. Use code in the resize event handler to set the height and width properties of the grid. Also make the border style of the form resizeable. Private Sub Form_Resize() 'set error trap to prevent dragging of mouse above or to the left of...
  14. BruceHesher

    Windows Explorer path

    The Windows Explorer should be in the Windows folder. The Windows folder may not be "C:\Windows". You can use the environ funtion to return the windows folder: MsgBox (Environ("windir"))
  15. BruceHesher

    Open Exe File from another Computer

    I have found it easy to run a program that resides on another machine but, I take it that you want to tell the other machine to run a program. If the other machine is running a telnet server you can do something like the below. First: Generate a command script using whatever telnet package you...
  16. BruceHesher

    Hot CPU

    I have found that the MS game Age of Empires (demo version on the W98 CD) heats the CPU right up. I have an ABIT KT7A motherboard with a Via KT133 chipset and an Athlon 850 Thunderbird. It came with a hardware monitoring utility that shows the CPU temp. As soon as Age of Empires is started...
  17. BruceHesher

    Image1.picture = LoadPicture(.....) crashes the IDE on some files

    Hi James, No, I have not resolved this issue. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Bruce
  18. BruceHesher

    code printing in color

    Is it possible to print *.cpp files in the same colors as on the screen?
  19. BruceHesher


    There must be more to your question than I am reading. When a user drags the mouse over text in a textbox it is highlighted. If they then right click there is a default popmenu associated with the textbox that has cut, copy, paste, delete. If you are giving the textbox focus programatically...
  20. BruceHesher

    insert into multiple tables

    The only way I know is to write an "INSERT INTO" SQL statement for each table you want to add to: 'create DAO objects (do in a module) Public ws As Workspace Public db As Database 'Get default workspace (do on your form) Set ws = Workspaces(0) 'Open the...

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