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Search results for query: *

  1. sarcus25

    Sending input to a program.

    Thanks. I though that was what was happening. good to know I'm not crazy after all(well not that much at least :)). Probably going to have to go the route of just installing the service pack then grabbing all the exe files and reziping and using that instead of the setup. I kind of didn't...
  2. sarcus25

    Sending input to a program.

    Hi I am trying to create a program that automatically runs a setup program (Install Shield 10.0). I have tried running the setup automatically using an .iss file but it doesn't work. I read somewhere that their is because of the way the programmers put the setup package together. Tried using...
  3. sarcus25

    How to change windows xp Username with code

    Hi all, I am using VB.net 2008. I need to be able to change a Windows xp Username though code. I have no idea how to do this. I have tried searching on the web but have come up with nothing. I can easily get the username of the user logged in but am unable to Edit the name. Any ideas...
  4. sarcus25

    (407) Proxy Authentication Required

    Hi, I am trying to download a file with my program in the office but I am getting a (407) Proxy Authentication Required error message. I can download fine outside of the office but it seems my program is getting blocked by our proxy server. I have a username and password that I use to gain...
  5. sarcus25

    Unzip Default windows xp zip files.

    Sorry compressed zip folder is what i mean.
  6. sarcus25

    Unzip Default windows xp zip files.

    Hi, I am trying to unzip a windows xp zip file. Not having any luck though. I have tried using GZip and Deflate but it will not work. I guess the windows zip files are not using any of these compression methods. Any ideas on how to go about this? Thanks in advance.
  7. sarcus25

    Auto setup program.

    Hi, I am trying to make a program in vb.net 2008 that will setup a PC automatically. The pc's however will not always be the same brand so cloning the disk is out of the question. I have though about editing the registry though code but not sure where alot of the values are stored such as the...
  8. sarcus25

    How do you select a row inside a datagrid?

    No actually i am using it with the datagrid here. The datagrid is an extension of the list component.
  9. sarcus25

    How do you select a row inside a datagrid?

    Actually found an easier way to do this after much searching. Works in flash 8. Not sure about MX. grid.setPropertiesAt(indexNumber,backgroundColor:0x404040}); just like me simple ;)
  10. sarcus25

    How do you select a row inside a datagrid?

    Hi just trying to select a row in a datagrid so that it's highlighted. I need it to select the row that contains the song being played. I can find out what song is being played just need to know how to select the row. Thanks in advance. songList.onLoad = function(bSuccess):Void{ if...
  11. sarcus25

    Can't access Global array outside of For loop.

    The trace statements are outside of the loop. The idea here is to have access to these arrays from anywhere in my code not just in the for loop. This doesn't seem to be working though. If I put the trace statements inside of the for statement like you mentioned and reference them using array...
  12. sarcus25

    Can't access Global array outside of For loop.

    Hi, I'm trying to create a global array that will hold a list of values that it retrives from an xml file. The global array values can only be traced inside the for loop. I am not able to access the array outside of the for loop. Here is the code used. Thanks in advance. //initial values...
  13. sarcus25

    Detecting which reply button is pressed in a web blog and passing data

    Hi, I am creating a web blog and what I have is this code that creates a table that has a reply button and a quote button for each message that a member has posted. What i want to do Is pass the Subject line of that customers post to the next form but this all depends on which one fo the 100...
  14. sarcus25

    Recieving variables from a php script using loadvars

    Hi I am trying to recieve variables from a php script but the variables have extra info included such as html tags & blank lines. My php code is as follows. ************************************************************ <?php $temp = "just testing"; echo "&temp=".$temp; ?>...
  15. sarcus25

    Displaying a list box Array

    Never Mind found a simular post on the net. The problem was that the name of the list box had to be followed with brackets ex. los[] the brackets specify that this is an array. Hope this doesn't drive anyone as crazy as this drove me. Cheers,
  16. sarcus25

    Displaying a list box Array

    Hi i have a list box named "los". What I want to do is display each value in the list box that was selected. In the query string I can see the values for each item selected in the list box but if I get a count like so: "count($_GET['los'])" it displays a value of "1" even through I have just...
  17. sarcus25

    Directly dialing into a PC using netmeeting

    Hi I am trying to connect to a client to try to resolve and issue on their pc through netmeeting. My problem is that they don't have an internet connection but they have a 56K voice/fax modem attached. I need to be able to connect directly to their Pc using metmeeting over a regular phone line...
  18. sarcus25

    Editing XML Files With Cold Fusion

    Thanks alot for the help, that's just the answer I was looking for. Star for you.
  19. sarcus25

    Editing XML Files With Cold Fusion

    Hi I'm Kind of new to cold Fusion, at the moment I'm trying to overwrite to an existing element in a Xml File. I can retrieve and view the element of my choice but I'm not sure how to Modify that element then write it back into the XML Ducument Object. For Instance: <!--- Convert file to XML...
  20. sarcus25

    How to Get the value of an element in a web page

    Thanks for the info, it helped me alot.

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