lbass, I did it like this:
if ubound({?code}) = 5 then
{table.field} like "*"+{?code}[1]+"*" or
{table.field} like "*"+{?code}[2]+"*" or
{table.field} like "*"+{?code}[3]+"*" or
{table.field} like "*"+{?code}[4]+"*" or
{table.field} like "*"+{?code}[5]+"*"
) else
{table.field} like...
Thanks lbass!
That did the trick if I have two Iata codes!
How about, if user wants e.g. 5 or 15 Iata-codes to be added?
I tried to manipulate the code, but probelms started even with three Iata codes...
Hi folks!
"{table.field} like "*vie*" or
{table.field} like "*svo*"" is doing the trick perfectly. I have tried to instead of 'svo' or 'vie' use parameter ({?IATA}), which is then the same 'vie' or 'svo' of both or whatever will be chosen, and then this does not work! I need to give the freedom...
Hello Folk's!
I am using CR10 with SQL7.0 db.
I have a problem once again... I have a string, which is say 25 digits: "EC 1 per 7 ng vie Hilton" or "PLA 2 per 1 ng svo ? ". I need to pick out always "vie or "svo", which is IATA code. Starting digit of that iata can vary and there can be...
Hello folks!
I am using CR 8.5 with SQL 7.0 DB. My own laptop is reading records vey very very slow. Again, my colleaque's laptop, which is identical, is reading records in normal speed.
What could cause this behaviour in my laptop? Could it be something in CR or its installment? Should I...
GJParker, you made my day. I had tried it earlier, but somehow, as being beginner, did not succeed in doing that.
Now I have a solid foundation to continue.
Hi all!
I am using CR 8.5 and SQL db (7.0). I have a dilemma as follows: I need to duplicate a detail section, if there is a certain string in a certain field:
detail section now: 008 4 5000 0,00 1234,00
If there is this "008", it means this row should be duplicated and then output should...
Sorry LB, I am a little bit in middle of a chaos.
Here are those:
{} in {?sdate} to {?edate} then {table.amount} else 0
if{} in dateadd("y",-1,{?sdate})to dateadd("y",-1,{?edate}) then
{table.amount} else 0
BTW: partially it fetches data, but according my...
Hi Lbass and thanks for your quick response.
It did not work. I am quite suspicious of my ytd-formula, which is by the book, i.e. like Crystal guide tells.
What might be our advise of the right formula?
My record selection formula is as follows:
{} in {?sdate} to {?edate}
or {} in {?comp_sdate} to {?comp_edate}
Formula for sales is simply:
if {} in {?sdate} to {?edate}
then {sales.amount}
else 0
(And similar to comparison formula for comparison date range.)...
Hi Ro,
unfortunately I am not the same you thought.
I amsure I can do it, unfortunately I do not have enough time to concentrate to work with CR. Learning by doing is in a way good method.
Hi Rosemary,
I hope you do not think me to be Homer...Truth is I have studied and learned myself all of CR and thus cannot be smart using formulas and comparisons.
I have tried to make "or" record selection, but it has not been worked out. I try you advises when I have time to do it.
Hi Rosemary!
I use MS SQL 7.0 with CR 8.5.
Basically I would like to have as follows:
cust 1 10000...
How I can compare two user named different date range so that selected records are within date ranges and subtotals and grand totals are right? I should also have headers and totals right in reposrt (not in subreport)! Example: I can have records of parameter dates right and use subreport to...
Hi. I am in a way beginner in CR and using Crystal 8.5. I should compare data between two equivalent period of time. In Record selection I can select the first range of dates but how could I select the previous period of time. Example: there are sales of 2004, and comparison should make to year...
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