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  • Users: xor2
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  1. xor2

    Threads with TBItmap, TJpegImage, TGraphics32

    Thank you for your post and the link which helped me understood how I could use Synchronize method with canvas manipulations. By the way, Are you familiar with Graphics32? Do you know if Graphics32's canvas is thread-safe?
  2. xor2

    Threads with TBItmap, TJpegImage, TGraphics32

    Hello, I have a procedure which performs some operation on jpg file (like transformations, etc). I am; - reading pixel from canvas ACanvas.Pixels[X,Y]; - drawing on canvas Bitmap.Canvas.Draw(0,0,jpg); - assign bitmap from another source...
  3. xor2

    ShellExecute can not run application from com+ server ... :(

    Hi, I have written windows service. I neeeded to run external application from this, but I read that in noninteractive apps this will not be possible. Somebody gave me advise to create another process running applications comuniating with my service (daemon). I created com+ server...
  4. xor2

    Could anyone explain me this expression ...

    Well, If I can be honest with You, I don't get it at all ... So please tell me, which fragment is beeing looked for, replaced for? What is happening with the content, etc... Or How could I test this code on win platform to see how it behaves ... Really thanks for help.
  5. xor2

    Could anyone explain me this expression ...

    $res->{content}=~ s/^.*?<div style="display:none" language="JavaScript1.2">(var.*?)<\/script><\/div>.*$/$1/sg; my ($code) = $res->{content} =~ /dk42\( unescape\( '([^']+)/; return dk($code);
  6. xor2

    ODBC + ADO + Delphi and Data Truncated for column 'xxx'

    Hi Thank you for your replay. Unforntunately, none of your advice helped me. I have still same problem :((( Please help me do sth ... :(
  7. xor2

    ODBC + ADO + Delphi and Data Truncated for column 'xxx'

    Hi, I have downloaded odbc driver 3.51 v, installed it and configure in Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Odbc Source. I have successfully connected in delphi through ADO and the problem is with SQL - insert - statement. I have a field: 'Percent' float NOT NULL. These lines, I use to...
  8. xor2

    Printing chart from dbchart ....:(

    Yes now it works, Thank You very much
  9. xor2

    Printing chart from dbchart ....:(

    Please guys, help me :( Give me any tip, whatever ... :(
  10. xor2

    ado datasets and adoconnections

    adocommand ?? Why not to use two AdoQueries??
  11. xor2

    Printing chart from dbchart ....:(

    HI, This is the procedure which prints my chart: var PrintRct : tRect; OldPOrient : tPrinterOrientation; begin if printersetupdialog1.Execute then begin OldPOrient := Printer.Orientation; PrintRct.Top := 0; PrintRct.Left := 0; PrintRct.Bottom := Printer.PageWidth-1...
  12. xor2

    DHCP problem

    I am using XP Professional system, which doesn;t contain real DHCP server program, but it has small version of it, It is included in internet connection when it makes internet available to computers in local network. First question i have already solved. WIN98 client must have been rebooted to...
  13. xor2

    Problem with TIDUDPServer

    And Again I have found solution :) Before opening connection it has to be clear bindings propertie. AServer.Bindings.Clear;//then AServer.Active := true; Thx
  14. xor2

    Problem with TIDUDPServer

    Hi! For me this is very strange. When i Run App. I set active to 'true' then if the port was busy i got an exception, so server is not active still (false). Then try to do the same to active to 'true' and without problem becomes activated (port is still busy). What is going on ?? Please help...
  15. xor2

    How to get MAC number in local net?

    I have written this procedures in Delphi. I will paste it here, cause i have not found it in internet, maybe somebody will use it. Uses Winsock; Function SendARP (DestIp: DWORD; srcIP: DWORD; pMacAddr: pointer; PhyAddrLen: Pointer): DWORD;stdcall; external 'iphlpapi.dll'; Function...
  16. xor2

    How to get MAC number in local net?

    How to get mac number in localnet. For host for example: In delphi ?
  17. xor2

    DHCP problem

    Hey I am writting dhcp server .. so i have few questions. First one: I have seen in real protocol (with sniffer) that when dhcp server (XP system) sends information, it doesn;t contain dns IP numbers, however in option section there is entered ip address of gate ( I have been...
  18. xor2

    Printing with TPrinter class ...

    Hi! I draw on memory bitmap with screen's DPI (96 pixels per inch). To print this i have to redraw it with printer's DPI (about 300 DPI). At the beginining I've wanted to create so huge memory bitmap and then draw it on printer's canvas, but system doesn;t want to create so huge bitmap ...
  19. xor2

    Problems with TChart

    There is only one problem ;( I have to print chart on whole A4 page. Is it possible to do it with TChart?
  20. xor2

    Problems with TChart

    To have sth like this: http://free.of.pl/x/xor/wykres.JPG Thx

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