i keep getting a compiler error expected end sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Function EnterOk(strUserID As String, strPassword As String) As Boolean
Dim bEnterOk As Boolean
'Use a connection object to your mdb
Dim App_Cnn As adoLOGIN
Set App_Cnn = New adoLOGIN
With App_Cnn...
I have a Visual Basic application that many users are using over a network. I want to creat a form that opens first before the main application form and where the users have to enter in a specified id or password. I have created at MS database that holds the users id and the information i want...
Here is the SQL
SELECT [Screen frozen].Number, [Screen frozen].Date, IIf(([Loan Center Contacted])=-1,"Loan Center Has Already Been Surveyed "," ") AS Alert, [Screen frozen].Interviewer, [Screen frozen].[Loan Center Number], [Loan Center].[Loan Center Name], [Loan Center].State, [Loan...
The error message is generated from from MS, and it is a Left outer join. The error is The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot find a record in the table Loan Center with a key matching Field Loan center number. I have tried to change the join to a right join but i then get a message that the...
I have a database Ms2000 and i have several users that are using the databse over a network. The form is pulling from a Query. In one table(Loan Center) i have a primary key on Loan Center Number and i joined it with another table(Frozen Screen) that has the same field. I inputed a set of loan...
I have an Access database and i am creating a VB program to pull the information into a form in the VB application, i want to be able to pull information based on a date range. I want to have a start date and end date. How do i create the form in vb to pull just the information between those...
I am using the package and deployment wizard. I will check on those other applications. So is there anyway to write code in the VB application that would allow me to put the shortcut onto the desktop.
I have a Vb application and when i package it to and deploy it to sever users it does not load a shorcut onto the desktop, I would like to know what the code would be to load the icon onto the desktop.
I put in the case statement and ran it with no errors, which is great, but it did not return any the text in the Priority column, I guess i can't use the case statement.
Thank you so much for your help gmmastros. My only problem is that i don't think i am communicating effectively what the problem is. The database is called Remedy Support and it is a SQL Database. A table in the database is called hpd helpdesk. This database is on a server and i just pull the...
I put this into my statement and did not get any errors, but when i run the program and in the column labled priority it still shows 1 and does not display Low or High I am trying to get it to change the numbers 0-4 to Low, medium, high, urgent. there is no table in the that has value...
I am trying to run a case statement in a select statement. i am trying to do Case Priority when priority =1 then 'low', but it is not working in keep getting incorrect syntax error messages on kewords like Case and then on the '=' sign. The select statement is as follows any help on this issue...
SELECT Case Priority = 0 then 'Low' end HPD_HelpDesk.Submitted_By, DateAdd(s,HPD_HelpDesk.Assign_Time,'12/31/1969 18:00:00 PM') as Ticket_Assigned_Time, HPD_HelpDesk.Case_ID_, HPD_HelpDesk.SubItem, HPD_HelpDesk.Assigned_To_Individual_, HPD_HelpDesk.Priority FROM REMEDY_SUPPORT.dbo.HPD_HelpDesk "...
I was using the select statement this way: CASE
WHEN '0' THEN 'Low'
WHEN '1' THEN 'Medium'
WHEN '2' THEN 'High'
WHEN '3' THEN 'Urgent'
WHEN '4' THEN ' '
END AS Priority,
when i did this it did not recognize the (') it turned everyting into comments.
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