First of all I would like to thank you all for the very helpful replies.
Tesar, I have not done what you suggested. I am a unclear as to what you mean, but I have documented it. Thank you.
Dave, Thank you so much. In the end, I did do the 'Drastic measure' and exported to txt delimited file...
Thanks for the tips DSummZZZ.
Didn't think about screen resolution, but if that where the case, why do the other records print? Still worth a looking into though.
I did copy database over using the Copy To with cdx command. Then renamed it back, that didn't work. Have yet to try to copy to...
Hello all. I have posted about this similar problem before and now it is coming back to haunt me more severely.
I have a customer that has been using one of my FoxPro 2.6a Windows application for years. Suddenly, the program will randomly but conistantly lock up on them when printing.
Thanks again, Tesar. Very interesting thinking here. I thought that if you opened up a database exclusive and then PACK, that all the bad stuff would simply disappear.
Are you telling me that the bad stuff will remain somewhere in a temp file? Maybe in the Foxuser.dbf? I would really love...
Just wanted to add something to that my last post. Sorry, did not see an Edit button to edit my post.
But I think I do use UDF's all the time. These I assume are function's that I create on the report itself.
However, There are no UDF's on any of the reports that were locking up. There are...
Thanks for reply Tesar. I do not use UDF's. I was not even familiar with that term but now know it is a 'User Defined Function'. My code for a report goes basically something like this:
I had the same problem today with another one of my...
Thank you much. I forgot about doing that. I just did and things seem to be going alot smoother now. I do have a few choice records that will lock up but those I think have become corrupt.
I have been entering cases on his test data with no problems, so far.
Usually deleting the indexes is...
Hello all. I have a customer that uses a 2.6a application that is installed on Windows XP machines and is networked to a Server. The problem is not client related because I have downloaded his data and it is happening on my machine as well.
The Problem: The computer will lock up on certain...
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