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Search results for query: *

  1. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    Zcolton, Thanks for the reply we are looking into the security issue. I know we do not want the web server to be an DC. But I can get GC to work if the server is a DC so until we fixed the security issue we are going to leave it that way. I do have one last question. I am having a little...
  2. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    mooka, Thanks for the reply. I have decided to go with the GC. and I am using code simular to this but I am having a little problem.... <% strUsername = Request.ServerVariables("auth_user") strUserName = Right(strUserName, Len(strUserName) - InStrRev(strUserName, "\")) Set objDomain =...
  3. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    Here is an update... If I switch the server to Basic Authentication instead of Intergrated Authentication it works. Does anyone know why this is? I really need to use Intergrated Authentication. Thanks for any help City Web Guy
  4. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    Hey Guys Any thought om my last post of LDAP over multiple domains? We are about to launch this new setup this weekend and I need any thought on how I can get this to work again. thanks City Web Guy
  5. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    zcolton - I need your help. Here is our problem. We have 2 different domains. Domain1 and Domain2 where Domain2 is under Domain1 but there is an Trust between the two. Here is the code SET obSys = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") SET adsUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & obSys.username) This is...
  6. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    Hello, When I return the information from my LDAP query I notice that there is an whenCreated field. My question is, Can someone provide an example if it is possible so that I can query to retrive a list of users that were create withing a a given time frame. Such as BeginDate - EndDate...
  7. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    savvy95 That seems to me like you are having permission issues accessing the information. That is the Error I got when I did not have my permission set correctly to access the GC.
  8. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    zcolton, Thanks for the reply. I was able to split the string into the array and search that array. I figured I would have to do something like that I just wanted to make sure there was no other way to just pull the name straight out with a LDAP query. Thanks
  9. CityWebGuy

    Example of ASP LDAP query string?

    zcolton, I have found all your postings to be every helpful. I was wondering if you could help me. I have the following code SET obSys = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") SET adsUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & obSys.username) FOR EACH group in adsUser.MemberOf response.write (group & "<BR>") NEXT...

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