Thanks for all
i found the problem it was that the ipphone need a specific file.bin that it wasnt on the tftp directory
and for the Ata because i have the h323 version i just register it as h323 device and not an ata186 and all work finely
but now the problem is when i make a call it take...
i want to connect an ata186 to a provider that have a voice gateway and a gatekeeper
but i have my ata behind a cisco nat
how can i do to connect it
the ata Version: v3.1.0 atah323 (Build 040219A)
Any idea ?
many thanks
i have installed the ccm3.1(1)
i configured all the necessary parameter but they dont register ip phone's or ata's i tried with manualy and automatic register
with tha manualy when i search for the devices always status is not found
i do an upgrade to CCm3.2.2(c) and always the same problem...
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