If I have understood you correctly , you need a linked list.
typedef struct myTag
struct myTag *pRight;
struct myTag *pLeft;
struct myTag *pTop;
struct myTag *pBottom;
You can join them up as you like(by setting the pointers of the last element to...
Sorry Daniel , I don't know wmuch about Drivers, but I have a suggestion.
If you have the USB open as a COM port (OpenFile API), you should be able to poll it very frequently to see if there is data in there. I don't know how it fits in your application architecture.
I am not sure about your application , but the answer may lie in the driver for the card reader or alternatively can you poll the card reader at regular intervals ?
Here is some sample code , I don't know whether it will meet with your teacher's approval or not.
Hammer is right about the use of proper library functions but while you are learning it is not bad to experiment a little.
You will learn more about buffers , overflow etc only when you...
When you read in the array , you can terminate the last character by an NULL ('\0');
Sample code can be
for (x=0;x<MAX_ARR_SIZE;x++)
/* check if it is anumber or a character */
if (list[x]<48 || list[x]>90)
you can check for numbers or alphabets separately too.
Effectively you are passing a local variable to a function by value , not by reference .
If you want your original string overwritten pass a pointer to it ( by reference) or other wise make that function return a string ( I would go with the former option).
I am not sure what exactly is going on . Have you tried
e.Graphics.VisibleClipBounds ?
May be you can use that and resize the font ?
for eg : of course height etc. would be your parameters.
Font AxisFont= new Font("Ariel",(Paper.Height/(sim.numDPlot+1))*0.4f );
arminro ,
I don't know whether this will work but try using
from my earlier code
// where e is PrintPageEventArgs e
RectangleF vbp = e.Graphics.VisibleClipBounds ;
bottom = {new PointF(vbp.Size.Width,vbp.Size.Height)};
Let me know hoow you get on , I am curious too.
Sorry Arminro my fault , don't know what I was thinking.
It is g.TransformPoints you need to use.
PointF[] bottom;
bottom=new PointF[]{new PointF(this.ClientSize.Width,this.ClientSize.Height)}...
Some info from Chris Sells book.
//from inches to pixels:
Graphics g=this.CreateGraphics();
// to do the other way
g.PageScale=1; // 1 unit = i inch;
Hope this is useful
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