Okay so it goes to show they don't tell all when you install 3rd party programs.. seems like PSA removes root user from mysql and adds admin user.. once I realised this changing the password was simple.. all is fine now :) .. thanks for the replys..
C:\> C:\mysql\bin\mysqld --standalone"
is for Windows Box.. I use Linux.. I need to add a user root to the mysql user database.. where and how >? remember I can start mysql with>>>>>> mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & <<<<<<< But whats the command to add root user ?.
I think you misunderstoof me.. root as in linux root is fine.. root user for mysql though is not.. the error is for mysql only .. so I am guessing mysql is missing the root user table >?
Okay I have a weird problem which for the life of me I can't work out.. Thought I had lost theroot password but seems root user has gone.. I did install psa software for some testing .. (webhosting software) Thogh I did un-install it and ebverything seemed fine for a few weeks, now this !.. >>...
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