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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Spikemannen
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  1. Spikemannen

    Get field value from latest record where...

    Hmm, your example didn't work. The field just came out blank. Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  2. Spikemannen

    Get field value from latest record where...

    I'm sorry but my "code" english is not that good :-/ I'll try to describe it better: in tblArrend i put in arrends from different companys. And every quarter(of the year) we are suppose to send an invoice to each company. But only for those arrends that has a been finished...
  3. Spikemannen

    Get field value from latest record where...

    the last record in tblInvoice. The last record is the same companyid but the last invoicedate. Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  4. Spikemannen

    Get field value from latest record where...

    Hi... This is my code so far: SELECT SUM(tblArrend.EstTime) AS SumForPeriod WHERE tblArrend.CompanyID = tblInvoice.CompanyID AND tblArrend.Finished<tblInvoice.Until My table tblInvoice looks like this: InvoiceID InvoiceDate CompanyId BillTime Until In this form I choose a InvoiceDate and...
  5. Spikemannen

    Showing Time

    Hi! Thanks for your reply... The thing is that I want the sum of tblArrend.Time for all the arrends that has a finished date that is between previous tblInvoice.InvoiceDate and tblInvoice.Until in the active post but only for the company that I have selected in tblInvoice.Company. Best...
  6. Spikemannen

    Showing Time

    Hi! I have five tables: tblCompany CompanyID CompanyName tblSubject SubjectID Subject tblHandler HandlerId Handler tblArrend ArrendID Company Arrived Subject Arrend Handler Prio Description Status Finished Time tblInvoice InvoiceID Company InvoiceDate Until Time For the function I'm after...
  7. Spikemannen

    Calculating time

    Hi! I have five tables: tblCompany CompanyID CompanyName tblSubject SubjectID Subject tblHandler HandlerId Handler tblArrend ArrendID Company Arrived Subject Arrend Handler Prio Description Status Finished Time tblInvoice InvoiceID Company InvoiceDate Until Time For the function I'm after...
  8. Spikemannen

    Show duplicates

    Hi all... Have this table with about 16.000 posts, with the fields: Hsbftg Old Levnr Lev Faktnr Pg Period Cost There are duplicates in this, now I want to view which posts that are duplicates. And the only thing that tells me who are duplicates is to compare the fields Hsbftg and Cost. How to...
  9. Spikemannen

    Calculating time

    Hi. I have three tables. tblCompany CompanyID (count) CompanyName (txt) tblInvoice ID (count) CompanyID (related to tblCompany) InvoiceDate (date) InvoiceNo (txt) TimeFrom (date) Time (number) tblSupport ArrendID (count) CompanyID (related to tblCompany) Arrive (date) Area (txt) Description...
  10. Spikemannen

    Calculating time

    Hi. I have three tables. tblCompany CompanyID (count) CompanyName (txt) tblInvoice ID (count) CompanyID (related to tblCompany) InvoiceDate (date) InvoiceNo (txt) TimeFrom (date) Time (number) tblSupport ArrendID (count) CompanyID (related to tblCompany) Arrive (date) Area (txt) Description...
  11. Spikemannen

    Weird problem in dlookup

    Hi! I have tried this code in both access 2000 and access xp. In access 2000 this works, but not in access xp?! How should I do this to get it to work in access xp? Problem: I have a form where I name an object and choose between which two dates it is avaible in the form frmObject. In my...
  12. Spikemannen


    Thank you... Now I got it Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  13. Spikemannen


    Still the same error message. Access marks the first , . Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  14. Spikemannen


    Thank you. I have wrote: Days: DateDiff("y",[From], [To]) But I get this error: Microsoft Access Expression syntax not valid Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  15. Spikemannen

    Outlook 2000 wants to use Exchange, I don't!

    Are you trying to configure Outlook through Outlook or through Start - Settings? Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  16. Spikemannen


    Hi everybody! I have a table: ID (calc) Cost per day (currency) From (date) To (date) Number of people (numbers) And I want to calculate like this: Cost per day X Number of people X amount of days between...
  17. Spikemannen


    Thank you, but - my english is not that good, I have to admit that it is a bit over my head. Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  18. Spikemannen


    Okey here goes... I have this two tables: tblObject: ObjectID (calc) ObjectName (text) Avaible_from (date) Avaible_to (date) Price (currency) and tblBooking: BookID (calc) Booker (text) Phone (text) Cell (text) Payment (text) cbo...
  19. Spikemannen

    Add files

    I see, well still thank you very much for your time!!! Best Regardz, Spikemannen
  20. Spikemannen

    Add files

    Hi again... Now I have pasted in your new code and I get the error: "Object requires." Best Regardz, Spikemannen

Part and Inventory Search
