And technically by wich number other than 1 can 1 be divided to give an integer ?
For the benchmark it's right they should be compared on the same server.
If you want to do so on your own server just follow these instructions for my program :
(1) Create the "prime_numbers.php" file and import...
The difference between our algorithms can only be seen on very large numbers. I modified my example to be similar to yours.
Try on your page 23400000 to 23410000 (that is 10,000 !!!) and then try them on mine :
On yours the 30 secs...
I did it !!!
Here is the final "primes" function, it's incredibly fast.
If you created the primes_inc.php as I showed previously just replace this function. Usage of the function is the same.
function primes( $n, $debug )
global $prime_number;
$result = "";
$root = floor( sqrt(...
Sorry, I made a little mistake in the example, I forgot "$debug" argument in the call of the functions !!! ((=:
I also forgot to say that "primes" function could be improved based on the hard coded primes table. I'll try to do it in a near future... if none of you does !!! (=;
This should do the job.
I wrote it as an include file "primes_inc.php".
First prime numbers are "hard coded" up to 100. The procedures extend (function "extend_primes") this table as needed if you ask numbers above "10,000".
These functions check only modulos by prime numbers up to the square...
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