this program you are trying to guess the word "hello" by typing letters in the entry fields or clicking the buttons. then the letter goes through a loop to see if its in hello then saves it to result_var. i took alot of the stuff out so you can see the program easier.
alright now the problem i...
i completely understand now. it just took me a little bit. at first i thought when you send argument i thought you meant the line beneath the class. you are a god ericbrunson.
ok well to my understanding this is how you would set up a 300x200 grid using the method above...
from Tkinter import *
class App:
def __init__(self):
Tk.__init__( self )
root = Tk()
app = App(root)
that returns this error...
alright i'm consulting a tkinter forum right now on this but i figured that i would ask here too.
i have a basic program that i would like to put into a class so i can use functions inside it. for example this is what i got so far.
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
alright well i am not good at writing programs at all. actually im really bad at it but im trying. alright right now im tring to figure out how to change the color of a button when you click on it. for example if i have a button that says "a" and its blue, when you click on it, it will change...
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