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Search results for query: *

  1. slylos

    Excellent qmail tutorial/toaster

    This wasn't meant to be marked as a question, sorry about that.
  2. slylos

    How to setup special smtp port

    Have you tried talking to your ISP? If your not trying to send out spam, I don't see why you would feel the need to get qmail sending email out to a smarthost on an alternate port. We use Bellsouth at work, and they removed all port 25 filters because its a business account. But we personally...
  3. slylos

    Excellent qmail tutorial/toaster

    Just wanted to share with everybody on here (that didn't already know) an excellent qmail toaster, you can find it here: http://www.shupp.org/toaster/ He helps you get qmail with smtp-auth, TLS support, webmail, web admin using qmailadmin, simscan (a new qmail scanner which performs virus/spam...
  4. slylos

    How to setup special smtp port

    If you have a business account with your provider, chances are they automatically remove any port 25 filters. Most of them will not for non-business accounts though. If you don't want to deal with all of that, your best solution might be to sign up for No-Ip.com's mail redirector solution...
  5. slylos

    email archiving

    I have, and I found this: Set QUEUE_EXTRA to "Tlog\0" and QUEUE_EXTRALEN to 5 in extra.h. Recompile qmail. Put ./msg-log into ~alias/.qmail-log But I don't understand this part: ./msg-log into ~alias/.qmail-log What is './msg-log'? This is from D.J. Bernstein's FAQ.
  6. slylos

    email archiving

    I've been trying to find articles on archiving emails in qmail, but can't find anything helpful. How do I keep a copy of every email that goes through our server (including outgoing if possible)?
  7. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    Try deleting all of your mail accounts and even the domain (./vdeluser and ./vdeldomain I believe, or use vqadmin), and try re-adding both the domain then users. What are you using for your PAM on your pop3 binary? vchkpw? You should NOT be using checkpassword (if you are). can you post your...
  8. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    Run this script against your qmail installation: http://lifewithqmail.org/inst_check You might also want to check your install against this tutorial: http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html check everything else against this tutorial: http://www.pipeline.com.au/staff/mbowe/isp/webmail-server.htm
  9. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    what are you starting for pop, what are you using for imap? courier-imap?
  10. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    qmail definately is very easy to use, however, everyone neglects to mention that the *first time* you go about, it can be extremely tough. On another note, you should've used the lifewithqmail.org tutorial. I did my second go, and it was gravy. Definately don't give up!!! Once you get it...
  11. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    you shouldn't have to use maildirmake with vpopmail(I didn't). you might need to check your vpopmail config - how do you add users? commandline (i.e. ./vadduser) or are you using vqadmin?
  12. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    Is there a corresponding log entry in syslog for qmail? There should be a corresponding "new msg" and "end msg" entry in your qmail logs that relate to this message, most likely with the same Message ID. Can you find those?
  13. slylos

    Part II: Problem receiving SMTP

    Try disabling qmail-scanner by entering 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="" into your tcp.smtp file, then reload it by typing 'qmailctl cdb'. If you can deliver mail then, its obviously a qmail-scanner problem. If not, you may have to start all over with your qmail installation. Let us know how it...
  14. slylos

    Cannot connect to qmail mail server after 'successful' install

    Do I have this right, your sending test messages, and they just disappear? qmail-scanner is the last entry in the log, if messages are just dropping off, qmail-scanner might be misconfigured. qmail-scanner has its own log directory, can you tail that and post it here?
  15. slylos

    Part I; Imap connection problem

    I had an issue one time where qmail-scanner was giving an error message identical to that, where it could not locate the qmail-scanner signature file. My problem though was permissions. Your problem sounds like configuration, which IMAP server are you running?
  16. slylos

    Part II: Problem receiving SMTP

    So your using qmail-scanner, were you receiving mail prior to qmail-scanner? I also find it interesting that your logs say "connection from mail.smartbusinessware.com [] at port 32778" when you initiated your connetion on port 25.
  17. slylos

    Barracuda spam appliance

    I wasn't saying you should do away with the 'cuda, I was saying you should *keep* it, and use it as your only email gateway. Or a better solution might be the one thedaver is suggesting - using qmail as the entry gateway to match incoming mail against user accounts.
  18. slylos

    Barracuda spam appliance

    I think SpamAssassin is a great idea, I have had great experiences with it. However, why throw away $8000? The emails could be dropping at any point in that line, I believe the best configuration is Internet > Barracuda > MS Exchange One of their FAQ's says: "What happens to quarantined...
  19. slylos

    Failover suggestions

    Well lets say I was at the same office on the same network, would you suggest?

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