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Search results for query: *

  1. BobSakemano

    permission denied: 'CreateObject'

    Here you go: on error resume next Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Set ADSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") Set CurrentUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & ADSysInfo.UserName) set ofso=createobject("Scripting.filesystemobject") strGroups = LCase(join(CurrentUser.MemberOf))...
  2. BobSakemano

    permission denied: 'CreateObject'

    Hey guys, I get this error when I want to run a script that makes use of the IE object of windows. I’ve simplified the script so that you guys can take a look. This script is part of a login script for cyrtix servers. The script works when I login on cyrtix via the server. But doesn’t work...
  3. BobSakemano

    WScript.Echo dump to a .txt file

    oh come on guys! help me out here. jeez...
  4. BobSakemano

    WScript.Echo dump to a .txt file

    hey guys, simple question. I want the values from a WScript.Echo to be dummped in to a .txt file. I'v tries this: Dim X X = "txttxtxtxtxtxtt" WScript.Echo X > c:\test.txt doesnt work hoever. any ideas?
  5. BobSakemano

    Variable outside of a script

    yes, I'm not using an interface. see its like this, my scripts runs as a service every hourse and it needs to remmeber some stuff. (2 simple variables or yes or not) To be more precies, whether an email has been send or not. Any idea?
  6. BobSakemano

    Variable outside of a script

    I hate to ask this again guys but I just cant seem to be able to get it working. I need to have 2 variables outside a script. A simple Yes or No. (1 / 0) whatever you look. Right now I'm using the objFSO.FileExists to rename files, its pretty backwards and I'm sure there is an easier way...
  7. BobSakemano

    Simplest way to get Disk Freespace in VBS

    I had a look around the web and like PHV said, AvailableSpace of de fsobject is the easiest! thanks guys!
  8. BobSakemano

    Simplest way to get Disk Freespace in VBS

    hey guys, whats the easiest and most simple way to get the disk freespace of a certian partition in VBS? I'm now using WMI but thats too much code for something this simple, I thought maybe there is a better way. thanks
  9. BobSakemano

    Topic: priv1.edb doesnt equal total mailboxes size

    Hello, My priv1.edb is currently 27GB but in exhange system manager i look at the users mail box sizes it doesnt even come close to 2GB. How can i find out what else is taking up all this space in the info store? i preformed a offline defrag last weekend. shrank the DB from 34GB to its current...
  10. BobSakemano

    How to run a Command Prompt cmd in a vb script.

    thanks but I get an error. This is my code: pathspec="C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin" cmdline="opcmsg appl=ScheduledTask obj=login severity=normal msg_text="hello"" set wshshell=createobject("wscript.shell")...
  11. BobSakemano

    How to get Disk FreeSpace, UsedSpace and TotalSpace

    Hey guys, How can I get the FreeSpace, UsedSpace and TotalSpace of a certian partition so that I can then run a calculation on them. Its: If (UsedSpace/TotalSize) > 0.90 Then End If thanks!
  12. BobSakemano

    How to run a Command Prompt cmd in a vb script.

    Guys, what’s the easiest way to access a directory and then running a command script. Baiscly: Cd [path] Run Cmd Should I use WSH? How would I go about doing it.
  13. BobSakemano

    Help needed with script

    Hey guys, Could you have a look at tis script Dim objFSO, objDrives, objDrive Dim nFreeSpace, nTotalSize, nSpaceUsed, nPercentUsed Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objDrives = objFSO.Drives For Each objDrive In objDrives If objDrive.DriveType = 2 And...
  14. BobSakemano

    Perl Win32 Task Scheduler module

    hmm, I need a little bit more than that guys. My experiance with Perl is very limited...
  15. BobSakemano

    Perl Win32 Task Scheduler module

    I need to do some scripting with the Windows Task Scheduler. After some searching I found the Perl Win32 Task Scheduler module. What I need to do is the following: I need to enable and disable a scheduled task in windows via a command or in a script.
  16. BobSakemano

    Need help with a script/Batch

    yea that worked, I made a cmd file. Is there anyway to get the output in to a txt file? > c:\outputlog.txt didnt work.
  17. BobSakemano

    Need help with a script/Batch

    Can someone make a script or batch file for me that does this: -Net Stop “Microsoft Exchange Information Store” -Cd c:\program files\Exchange\bin\ -Eseutil /d c:\program files\db\x.edb -Net Start “Microsoft Exchange Information Store” I came across a few problems when I wanted to do it on my...
  18. BobSakemano

    VB script to run Exchange Eseutil defrag on remote computers

    Got that working myself actually. Now I just want an alternaive instead of theSendkey object. It doesnt work because it runs all of the commands simentaneously. So is there any other way to run: net stop "Microsoft Exchange Information Store" cd c:\program files\Exchsrvr\bin\ eseutil /d...
  19. BobSakemano

    VB script to run Exchange Eseutil defrag on remote computers

    yes that worked thanks. Now the problem is that after I Net Stop the Exchange Information Stores they are dismounted like I want to so that defrag can be run but when I Net Start the service the information stores are still dismounted?! Thats not what I want.
  20. BobSakemano

    VB script to run Exchange Eseutil defrag on remote computers

    I need a script that does the following things: Dismount Exchange Information Stores Run Eseutil /d Mount Exchange Information Store So far I’ve been working with send key commands in my script: Option Explicit Dim objShell, Racey, Count Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")...

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