thanks for giving me that link and not telling me the old " you should search blah blah before posting " appreciate that .It does help but it still doesnt tell me what type of hdd i can fit to it .. could anyone give me an example/real 10k-15k brand and model of hard drive so i could get my...
I dont really know anything about scsi thats why i am here i guess , anyway I was given an Adaptec 2940UW scsi Controller for christmas and . Im wondering what sort of internal scsi hard drives are compatible with it . I see all this ultra160, U320 , ultra 3 and Im confused as to what drive i...
Im having some problems in my code below , the file uploads no problem , the string replace only works on the data written to the tblZ_Img , but not the actual image being uploaded.
original file name on my hd name is
Te sst.jpg
I use the script below to upload it
its name is written...
Thanks for your reply,
Its a pity with fmp that something that should be a standard function has to be dealt with in a work around manner.Your suggestion is good I appreciate that but it wont quite cut it especially if a field has odd paragraphs bulleted lists and so on. I really needed to be...
Is there a way to count the number of lines of text in a field?
I tried using PatternCount with the carrige return symbol as my searchstring and this doesnt work(unless of course you have manually added carrige returns with the enter key) It wont find whats not there.
It seems that when...
hey thanks fellas ,thats what i needed
I really appreciate the fact that you perservered with me all that you have suggested has helped me now to get control of this concept.
Im not sure exactly what ken means by sanity checking the value of the id .I guess i could google that phrase and it...
yeah but thats what i dont get ,
could you be so kind as to demonstrate to me how to do this as the only value i can echo on the return page is the id using kens example.
Thanks very much thats great so if I want to display the results in returnphp I do this
is there a way to supress the data being shown...
hi Im using this code to make list of a mysql table
$getnews = mysql_query("select * from tblZ_Test ORDER BY id DESC ");
while($r=mysql_fetch_array( $getnews)){
echo '<a href =...
hey thanks I had trouble with the code you posted it threw some T_variable errors the best I was able to do which did work was
$s4 = "<a href=\"http://www.adresss/return2.php?id=".$GLOBALS['description']."\"...
Thanks, but i dont have a problem calling the function at all
my problem is getting the output into a popup window I can pass the output to a normal page no problems but it seems again it comes down to syntax, javascript and php have some differences the reason im using GLOBALS is because Im...
I have listed some code I m working on that works well
basically it pulls some data off a database and limits it to displaying 250 characters of the description which if the user clicks on the ..more link it will pass the variable onto a new page and show them the whole description if it is...
No i got what ericbrunsan meant and It just doesnt work .
what you guys have suggested is pretty much what i tried before i posted this question. when nicetrim($s) is called down in the html code it out puts everything as a string after $s2. everything including the new variables
$s2 .= '<a...
thanks, no i cant get what your suggesting to work could you be more specific like actually change the function I listed
I would really appreciate that in the function i listed
$s2 .=
is returning the "..more" string
you have got $s .= returning it
Im just abit confused with how to fill in...
I am using a function
function nicetrim ($s) {
$MAX_LENGTH = 250;
$Str = html_entity_decode($s);
if (strlen($Str) <= $MAX_LENGTH) {
return $s;
$s2 = substr($Str, 0, $MAX_LENGTH - 3);
$s2 .= "...More";
Oh man my fault sorry Bastein
I was uploading a file with zero bytes haha
hey thanks for your help really apreciate it
Ill now go off and stop burning with embarassment ;)
That is halfway there (thanks) that does change the final file name
which is great because it strips white space from the file
but the problem that it has is that when the file is uploaded it uploads the file to a size of 0 bytes
I use a getimagesize() on another page to access this file and...
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