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Search results for query: *

  • Users: StumpedTechy
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  1. StumpedTechy

    Check if connected to a domain - no lag time?

    I think I figured it out - An LDAP query On error resume next Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") If Err.number <> 0 Then wscript.quit Else regedit End If On Error Goto 0 All users no matter their security settings or just being a user and non admin should be able to get the RootDSE...
  2. StumpedTechy

    Check if connected to a domain - no lag time?

    No those don't work either the problem is alot of people disconnect from the VPN and then go to shut down their computers pretty quickly. All of these variables either stay in memory or flush out only after minutes of being disconnect both don't work in the quick shutdown method. As far as...
  3. StumpedTechy

    Check if connected to a domain - no lag time?

    Okay I need to come up with a real time way to check to see if a machine is connected to a very complex domain. Currently I was thinking of using - Set objADSystemInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") strDomain = objADSystemInfo.DomainDNSName wscript.Echo strDomain The problem is this takes...
  4. StumpedTechy

    Computername only works when hardcoded not as &quot;.&quot; variable?

    No nothing is wrong with that field that I can see - I have it narrowed down though if I do a - Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork") strComputer = objNet.ComputerName This returns the good information and allows for processing. IMHO this is a kludge to get it to work however. If...
  5. StumpedTechy

    Computername only works when hardcoded not as &quot;.&quot; variable?

    Okay thew below code works just fine but ONLY if I got to strComputer and I type in a machine name in the field E.G. my computer is named COMPUTERNAME. I type in strComputer = "COMPUTERNAME" and it runs. If I type in strComputer = "computername" or "compUternAme" or "." I get no processing once...
  6. StumpedTechy

    Change only the servername of any currently installed printer?

    I have 70+ printers that were moved from server X to server Y. E.G. \\X\1 now is \\Y\1 \\X\2 now is \\Y\2 \\X\3 now is \\Y\3 and so fourth. Is there any way to switch any drive mapping easily and keep the one that was the old default still the default one. E.G. Machine 1 has has printers 1...
  7. StumpedTechy

    Determine computer state - Loggied in and idle

    Sorry this project got waylayed a little bit - putting out other fires at work and all. And I found the solution you alluded to - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/qanda/aug05/hey0810.mspx One question how do I compare this date/time output bottom code example and...
  8. StumpedTechy

    Determine computer state - Loggied in and idle

    Disabling user accounts isn't an option as alot of users have multiple machines and me making a person 100% down when they could be 50% productive ins't going to be supported by my boss. 3+ hours is the timeframe I need to determine if a machine is idle... I simply can't be taking over a PC...
  9. StumpedTechy

    Determine computer state - Loggied in and idle

    Yeah but thats too short of a time.... I need some kind of counter for idle or sometehing. Our Screensaver is set to 5 minutes so if a person just walks away to get a cup of coffee the screensaver is on. I am thinking about a 3+hour idle time is more what I am gunning for. This will take care of...
  10. StumpedTechy

    Determine computer state - Loggied in and idle

    I need to come up with a way to determine if a user is logged into a machine or not and if the user is logged into the machine how long the machine has been in an idle state. We have a TON of users who leave their computers up 24/7 but we have to do maintenance on machines. On the same note...
  11. StumpedTechy

    Extranet access client - silent install?

    I would be able totoss together a vb scrip easily but I do know I just hate sendkeys its too flakey and really is dependant upon how its ran. I don't want to think I can trust the people running what i am setting up to not take the window from the forefront or something like that.Also I have...
  12. StumpedTechy

    Extranet access client - silent install?

    We have to setup a ton of computers all with Extranet Access Client. The entire setup is double click the setup and next next next next all the way through. Is there any switch to do this silently? The file I am working with is eac501d.exe the problem is I do a /? in there and it gives me no...
  13. StumpedTechy

    SImple question I hope.

    Great thank you very much.
  14. StumpedTechy

    SImple question I hope.

    Where I used to work we had a code we punched into the phone that gave us the physical port and the extension of the phone right on the phones LCD display. Now I am in another facility and this functionality I was used to using is not there. I am a network guy not a phone guy but attempted to...
  15. StumpedTechy

    Why can't I get binary data to output?

    Thanks guys heres the code I ended up with - If objReg.GetBinaryValue( _ HKLM, strKeyPath1, ValueName, strValue) = 0 Then If objReg.GetBinaryValue( _ HKLM, strKeyPath2, ValueName, strValue1) = 0 Then objFileoutput.WriteLine strComputer & ", " & join(strValue) & ", " &...
  16. StumpedTechy

    Why can't I get binary data to output?

    Okay here is a simple piece of code I am playing around with I am going to tweak it ALOT but the problem I have is I can't get the binary value to output. Dim strDate, strTime, OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, strKeyPath1, strKeyPath2 strDate = Replace(Date,"/","-") strTime = Replace(Time,":","-")...
  17. StumpedTechy

    FInd a Domain global group in a PCs Local Power User group.

    so if you have an if/then that isn't part of a what something is set as then the on error resume next will change how the if/then functions? I didn't think On error resume next could influence an if/then statement because you have both paths clearly defined as if or then and there can't be an...
  18. StumpedTechy

    FInd a Domain global group in a PCs Local Power User group.

    I got it working but can you explain this? I did find one mistake I understand - Set objLocalGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputerName & "/" & strLocalGroup & ",group") Had computername instad of machinename. Which was the strmachinename I listed earlier. This changed its reporting but...
  19. StumpedTechy

    FInd a Domain global group in a PCs Local Power User group.

    Someone on our network made a HUGE mistake and I am trying to fix it. I have tried ADSI and WMI with bad results I don't know if its the query I am using I tried this with ADSI - strLocalGroup = "Power Users" strMachineName = "Remote PC" strDomainGroup = "Domain Group" strDomainName =...
  20. StumpedTechy

    Windows WMI - How to repair this problem?

    Well the repository fix was what did it for me - Stop WMI service Deleted the C:\winnt\system32\wbem\repository directory. Start WMI service Wait 1 minute for it to rebuild. This did not fix about 10 but 10 out of 400 is alot better than 75 out of 400. I think I can tell my boss these 10...

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