What I would do is, on the top of your actionForm.cfm page, put this code:
<cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="i">
This will give you a list of all your form field names. If your form method is GET...
You can also go to You can sometimes read articles online, but if nothing else, you can subscribe, or write Circulation to find out where it is in your area. When I wrote, I got helped by Cherie Johnson of Sys-Con (publishers of the magazine) at...
AFAIK it is:
<cfquery name="getBooks" datasource="publishers">
select, books.dbo.titles.title
from pub.dbo.publisherInfo, books.dbo.titles
You do the name of the datasource first, then "dbo", then the table name...
I agree with Klotzki. Some of the tips I use:
1. When you want to check for the existence of a variable, use <cfif isDefined("form.variable")>. I used to CFPARAM my variables, then check for len, but isDefined is faster.
2. Scope your variables. A local variable would be...
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