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Search results for query: *

  1. DeeMark

    NavigateUrl syntax passing variable from GridView field to html

    Thank you very much for the further guidance. Much appreciated. Will try accordingly.
  2. DeeMark

    NavigateUrl syntax passing variable from GridView field to html

    Thank you - all noted. Agree with your suggestion and comment re ASP - will try in code behind although a little confused on should I use form values or hyprlink. Had previously tried <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" PostBackUrl='<%#...
  3. DeeMark

    NavigateUrl syntax passing variable from GridView field to html

    jbenson Tks for your prompt response When price = any numeric (no problem) When price= reference to the GridView control value then value always zero. Have been assuming the syntax was wrong somewhere. Have 'googled' to no avail. Have ascertained that value exists on the page behind...
  4. DeeMark

    NavigateUrl syntax passing variable from GridView field to html

    Would be grateful if any help with syntax trying to pass a variable price value to a shopping cart check out where the price value is a variable based on distance. All fine when using a fixed integer, problem when trying to name the price value from the Gridview...
  5. DeeMark

    Google Map InfoWIndow Content String Syntax

    Resolved: To avoid formatting issues in html code, the sql database calculated field was formatted i.e cast(123.45678 as numeric(10, 2))
  6. DeeMark

    Google Map InfoWIndow Content String Syntax

    I have a an ASP.Net web site using vb.net code.In code behind file I am trying to populate the infowindow with content where I have to format a numeric variable to 2 decimal places.The variable is called from data in a connected sql server database. The code I am using is...
  7. DeeMark

    SQL Query syntax error?

    Remou Many thanks, your prompt response in correcting my sql syntax has been appreciated. All noted - am back on track with my project. Deemark
  8. DeeMark

    SQL Query syntax error?

    Would be grateful if I could be advised on where I have syntax issue(s) with my strSQL string variable below. Am using rs.Open strSQL ...etc but this is appears to be wrong. Looking at the various posts on this subject I have noted the 'delimeters' etc but dont seem to have it clear in my...
  9. DeeMark

    Packaging MS Access 2007 application with multi tier folders.

    Update: I have figured out successful operation of the basic batch file in the OnLoad event of the Switchboard, start up to create new directories and move files. Still trying to figure out how to make this batch file activate only on the first activation of Switchboard Form OnLoad event and not...
  10. DeeMark

    Packaging MS Access 2007 application with multi tier folders.

    My MSAccess2007 application was designed with a two-tier folder directory structure. I found that the MS Access2007 did not support (multi-tier folder directories in the install wizard). Searching the forums, I noted the idea to run a batch file to create the lower level folders and move the...
  11. DeeMark

    Multiple RecordSource Header and Sub Report

    Changed approach to this procedure. Opted to create a non-filtered query as a Main report recordsource. Dispensed with the subreport. Created the user defined options in Group Option Frames. Created multiple 'strWhere' sql statements and applied to the DoCmd.Open Report statement. Lost most time...
  12. DeeMark

    Multiple RecordSource Header and Sub Report

    DHookom Tks your prompt response,your advice is most helpful.I was almost there, so will go back and try the saved query method and apply the WHERE criteria. Noted your valued advice re the Dialog Form. Many thanks Deemark
  13. DeeMark

    Multiple RecordSource Header and Sub Report

    Many tks dhookom, 1. Setting the Report RecordSource to a saved query, was one query - i.e was it supported? As I was facing SQL errors at the same time, I couldnt easily discover through debug if the setting of the saved query was causing the error and/or supported. Will try as you suggest...
  14. DeeMark

    Multiple RecordSource Header and Sub Report

    Have a Report with the Parent Report's recordsource set to a table containing company header style info. This populates the Report Header text boxes and labels. A Sub Report Detail Section has been embedded into the PArent Report's Detail Section. I am trying to assign the sub report with a...
  15. DeeMark

    Need ideas on best way to distribute demo app

    Not very sophisticated but I have used following expiration of use method on MS Access 2000/2002 / Office XP Developer application. Application quits after 183 days use. Table (tblexpiry) created with two fields (Index,firstdate). Open Form procedure initialises the start date, after 183 days...

Part and Inventory Search
