I have an old machine running a .net app (C# - SQL Server) on W2K-iis5 and need to move it to W2K3-iis6. What is the best way to do this?
Should I try the migration tool or is there a better way? The app is not compiled into a .dll.
I am building a stored procedure that needs to access and update several SQL Server tables simultaneously. Is there a way to set the timeout on the lock to rollback the transaction after 30 sec's? The problem is that I'm locking data elements in several tables simultaneously and I need for...
I need to link SQL Server tables across SQL Server databases. I know how to do this using a view, but is there another way to do this? Is there any way to link tables administratively using enterprise manager? (similar to Access).
Thanks in advance.
Setting up a TZ170 for a small company that has 3 remote users and thus need 3 VPN connections. I don't know what it refers to when it says 10 or 25 nodes, other than the respective number of VPN tunnels with each model (2 and 10). What is approptiate as far as nodes assuming they will still...
Group by state and zip The column total should be the count of distinct provider that meets this criteria. I am looking for hospitals in column 2. Physicians in column three. Clinicians in column 4 and so forth. The selection criteria is as follows :
Column 2
{provider.active} = "T" and...
The problem now is that I have duplicate records and I want a distinct count. This formula will assign all rows with a 1, including duplicates.
John Smith Meets Criteria multiple times and I only want to count him once.
How do we apply this formula to a database with...
Using Crystal 9 and am trying to build a report whose columns use a different set of selection criteria than the other columns. The search parameters are the same for the report, but again, each summary column needs to select results based upon seperate selection criteria. Should I use...
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