It now looks something like this? If the "with" should stay, it is still getting caught up on "currentproject" - variable undefined.
Am eternally grateful!
Sub LogNormalDist()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Dim x As Double
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set objExcel =...
but hang on... I seem to have somehow clicked enough boxes under Tools --> References that it is OK with the new record.
Now it doesn't like the "currentproject" bit.
I admit I know nothing.
I haven't referenced ADO 2.x or DAO 3.6 and I am clueless as to what that means. I never meant to be a programmer!
The Tools -> References -> ActiveXObjects didn't solve it.
OK, this is what I have in there at the moment using that code, but it doesn't like the set statement (regardless of whether ADODB is in there or not). Any clues? My VB is terriblle.
Sub LogNormalDist()
Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Dim x As Double
Dim rst As Recordset
Hi everyone,
I have just composed a module in Access that consists of various functions. These functions use Excel to perform various calculations.
It works fine when I calculate it for a given set of input variables, however what I want to do is get the functions to perform these...
I actually have a lot more tables that are used as row input (e.g. type of limits and deductibles etc etc). The policy table is used just to store the information and is made up of IDs, amounts and comments.
If I was going to split the policy table, what would be the reasons for splitting it up?
It is a database for insurance information, and ultimately I have three levels, each with a corresponding data table:
1. The account (company name)
2. The policy (can be renewed each year)
3. Addresses attaching to the policy (potentially multiple for a policy).
The policy table is...
Thanks for all the responses, but I admit I am a bit confused.
Firstly, I am not using a combobox because I am having problems with new entries - it keeps confusing the account name, which I add, with the primary key account ID. Is there something I am doing wrong? I set the row source to the...
I currently have a textbox in my form which is linked to a table. I use the textbox to scroll between entries and to add new entries. I would like it to show the table entries sorted alphabetically, not as it is currently doing which is sorting by the primary key. Is this possible?
I currently have a table (my main table) that has more than 100 different fields. I am wondering whether this will become a problem? All of the fields relate to a single record, so I can't see a reason to split the table, but would like to know if this could later lead to problems.
OK, the SQL of the query is:
(sorry, but this is the updated SQL where it makes a new table to get around the problem):
SELECT Account.AccountName, Program.AccountID, Program.InceptionDate, QueryPremiumClaimsCombined.ABCYearBeginLossHistory AS Year, QueryPremiumClaimsCombined.Premium...
Report record source: Query entitled 'QueryPremiumClaims'
Chart record source: same query 'QueryPremiumClaims'
Query record source: Table entitled 'Program' and
WHERE (((Program.AccountID)=[Formulieren]![FormAskAccountLossHistory]![cboAccountNameAskLossHistory]) AND...
I have tried group headers and footers - but using them puts the headings across the first line and the data in columns underneath, right? I basically need to transpose that somehow.
I am trying to create a report that looks like:
Heading1 Name1 Name2 Name3
Heading2 Date1 Date2 Date3
Heading3 Amount1 Amount2 Amount3
(i.e. with the headings listed down the left hand side and the data in columns following).
Using columns under page setup gives...
The inputs are currently on a form. What happens:
I open the form and have two text boxes asking for a beginning date and an end date. I then have a query that references the form through using, for example:
The report...
I forgot to mention that the report consists of a table and a graph (which is entered as a subreport). If I remove the graph from the report the problem disappears. If I open the subreport with just the graph in it and try printing I have the same problem - so the problem definitely relates to...
I currently have an Access report that is based on a query, and the query is based on variables entered in a form (e.g. begindate and enddate).
The report is generated OK (currently appears in print preview format), however when I try to print the report out it asks for the variables to be...
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