I know I can save a word document, convert it to base-64 byte string, and embed it in an xml file for webservice transfer. Can I skip the saving the document into an actual file and "deserialize" the document in memory? Also, can I do the same in reverse?? Load a new document from a byte string?
I wonder what Microsoft is thinking when they expose all those events for Excel but only Open, Close, and New for Word. Is there any way to catch when a user delete or move a shape/picture in a document?? My macro insert special pictures into the document that I need to retrieve later on. For...
Hi. I am trying to insert a rectangle shape right after the current cursor. I know you can do ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape() but how do I find the current position of the cursor? I need to specify the "Left" and "Top" of the rectangle which should be where the cursor currently is. Also how...
Many visual basic control has a 'Tag' property to store extra info about that control. Does a similar property exist for Excel Workbooks? I want to assign some identification info to each workbook that categories workbooks; this could be as simple as a Company's name or a Department name. Any...
Actually, I don't want to be running any code while Excel is in Edit Mode. I am trying to prevent that from happening. That's why I want to know when Excel is in Edit Mode so I make sure none of my code will run.
Is there any way to detect when Excel enters cell editing mode? The worksheet Change event fires AFTER a cell has been changed. There are no events that fires as soon as excel enters cell editing mode. So far I can catch the doubleclick event and know that cell editng will take place...
Whenever a cell is active in edit mode (when user enter a cell with the blinking '|' ), running any macro that contain excel application method calls causes a runtime error "1004: method 'SomeMethod' of object 'excel application' failed" . However, when I go to debug mode, and just continue...
When a range is selected for copying, there's a dotted outline around the range. After the copy-paste operation is done, the range is still selected. I know that in Excel, you can manually deselect any range by double clicking on a cell. However what's the right way to do it via code? I have...
I solved the problem. But to clarify, my main application is just a visual basic form that allows users to manipulate excel files in an embedded instance of excel along with using application-specific functions. Excel is automated/embedded using createObject and binding the excel window...
Hi. I have created an application with an embedded excel. My problem is when a user clicks on something on my application that is not part of excel, excel looses focus (which is expected). However, when I click back on Excel, Excel still doesn't regain focus. I have to double click in order...
What are the ways to copy an entire workbook to a new workbook? I am thinking of copying all the worksheets but that's tedious. Is there a simpler way?
I have a form that hides/unhides rows/cols in a worksheet. I keep getting the error "Unable to set Hidden property of Range class" when I try to set usedRange.Rows(num).entireRow.hidden to something. This fails only for SOME range....
I have a macro to add a new worksheet template to a workbook. However, if the workbook is protected, an error occurs. How can I check if an opened workbook is protected? I have tried workbook.haspassword and workbook.password but they don't correspond to the protection of the workbook...
How do I add a new worksheet based on a template to an existing workbook? I can create a new workbook from a template but when I insert a new worksheet, it's always the blank normal excel one.
Is it possible to catch when a user opens a new workbook? Instead of the normal Excel Open File dialog coming up, I want to launch my own. The Workbook_Open() event is AFTER a workbook is selected and opened. Thanks!
This is a pretty simple problem that I can't figure out for the past 3 hours. How do I find the name of a range given the range's address? The big problem is that range.name does not give the name I gave the range.
Dim lRange as Excel.Range
myWorkbook.Name.Add "Range1" rangeAddress...
I need create a form that can display an excelworksheet and allow users to hide / unhide ranges using MY controls. I will be disabling all of Excel's toolbars and menus so all the user can see is the worksheet. Should I use OLE control or embedded an excel application? What are the pro...
I embedded Excel into a visual basic application and I want to know how to set focus back to Excel after Excel loose focus. My problem is that I disabled all the Excel toolbars and menus so only the worksheet shows up. I also protected the worksheet from editing. I have some controls on my...
I am just adding an functionality to a complex application that requires Excel. My functionality only need to display excel worksheets and allow the user to hide or unhide cols/rows using my controls. It's probably easier to just convert excel worksheet data to a grid or table or OWC as you...
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