I already have some code. I call the script using
require "check_limit.pl";
if ($clicks_this_ip > 100 ) {
deny access..
the check_limit.pl looks like this... a modified users online script....
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser)...
I need to be able to "limit simple page hits per IP" for a perl script on my site. I have searched the web for examples or scripts but couldn't find anything.
Does anybody know of a perl snipplet doing something like this?
Thanks in advance for any tips that could point me into the...
# Count and forward
my @date_array = localtime ;
my $year = sprintf("%02d",$date_array[5]-100);
my $month = sprintf("%02d",$date_array[4] + 1) ;
my $day = sprintf("%02d",$date_array[3]);
open (COUNT...
Hi and thanks for your reply...
Your code is, i guess, an internal array which loops 1000 times before sending the user to 'http://somewhere.else/sorry.htm'.
i have a traffic problem and would like to limit the total calls of this script to, let's say, 1000
if the script was called more than...
sorry for noobing around... i have a working code by now..
this is what i've done... maybe somebody can confirm whether this is a proper way to do it...
# Count and forward
open (COUNT, "<count.txt")...
Greetings everyone!
I'm a newbie to CGI, hopefully some of you more experienced programmers can help me out.
I have a CGI script which i only want to allow beeing executed 1000 times a day. after the script is beeing called more than 1'000 times i want to redirect the users to the page...
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