I did a little research and found out how to change the port it listens to in the httpd.conf file, but I wasn't content with that. I did some searching on the net and found out that WWW Publishing in Control Panel->Services uses port 80 and for whatever reason was set to start automatically. I...
Something is indeed listening on port 80. It doesn't give me any information about it though. Is there any way I can change the port my server will run on or find out what is listening to port 80?
Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/ port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address no listening socket is available, shutting down"
I have no idea what this means, I haven't changed anything in my network settings in months and prior...
I finally got the PHP and SSI to work and now my server won't even start up. It keeps saying "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/ port) is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address no listening socket is available, shutting down"
I have...
I got the SSI to work but then I restarted my computer for another reason and now my server won't even start. I can't win today. It keeps just telling me that the process failed and when I check the system logs it's saying it can't find sockets and some other stuff.
I still don't see anything that I could be missing. I guess I do have a few questions though that might clear something up. It talks about this mod_include and I don't know what it is. Do I have to put something referring to mod_include in my httpd.conf file? It almost seems like it is some...
Yes I have restarted the server and it still doesn't work. And the path I have chosen is the path that leads to all of my web site folders. Every folder that I have in the htdocs folder allows me to view the website by type http://localhost/webfoldername/index.shtml where webfoldername is the...
I am reading up on the documentation to get SSI to parse .shtml files and so far it just isn't working. I added
"<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/">
Options +Includes
</Directory>" as this is the directory where all my web folders containing the .shtml files will...
I have installed Apache and when I tried to install PHP 5 for it it said that the Apache installer wasn't ready yet. Is there a good place where I can go that will show me how to fully install PHP 5? Thanks.
Ok so I was playing around with it a little more and finally got it to work by using the word file instead of virtual and taking the / out from where I specify the path. So the statement "<!--#include file="include/header.txt"-->" works.
But that brings up another question..does anyone know...
I used:
<!--#printenv -->
and it spit a bunch of information at me like
HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.9.1...
I made some changes to the httpd.conf file, I added:
<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs">
Options +Includes
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
I did this because I was reading some tutorials on www.apache.org and it said that I needed...
Is there anyone that can tell me a step by step process of how they got it to work? I have the original httpd.conf file so I can switch back to that and start over. Also, are there any other files I need to change other than this one?
I went and restarted the server and now I can at least see a page but none of the SSI code is in there. I look at the source and instead of the code in the text files there is just the
<!--#include virtual="include/header.txt"-->
For some reason when I try to access the page through my localhost (in a web browser typing in http://localhost...etc) it just brings up the source code instead of the actual page. I have a hosting company that allows for SSI and I put the same file up with them and it works fine. The SSI code I...
Hey everyone, I was wondering how to get Server Side Includes to work on my Apache server. Currently I am running Apache 2 on a Windows XP SP2 system. I read through some tutorials and I thought I did what it asked me but it didn't work. In the httpd.conf file I uncommented "Options...
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