Is there a command or tool that shows the relationships of tables, queries and forms to each other?
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
I found the error...this is the code that works. Thanks everyone for your assistance
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim CASS_ID As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblErrorTracker", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
For Each varItem...
This is where I am now and still getting the error
Private Sub cmdErrorLog_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim CASS_ID As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblErrorTracker", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
For Each varItem In...
Jerry, I think I've almost got it. I'm now getting a message that says Ambiguous Name Detected and one of the error possibilities for that is trouble evaluating event
Private Sub cmdErrorLog_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim CASS_ID As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = New...
there are 9 fields all the others should stay the same with each entry.
They are;
ACCT_ID (number field)
Error (text field - can be either int or ext)
ErrorDetailID (number - is the field which is the variable on form)
System (text field - can either be OSI or OBI)
FunctionID (number...
I am trying to write a procedure that will create multiple table entries (Access2002)in tblErrorTracker from a form titled frmErrorTracker and the multiple variables are in Combo5
Here is my attempt
Private Sub cmdEnd_Click()
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblErrorTracker"...
The table is capturing the following info from the form
ErrorDetailID (this is the one that should accept multiple IDs)
SID (auto cap)
Date (auto cap)
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
If not in one field, and I create fields to capture DetailID2, 3, 4 through to 15, how do I ensure it populates?
When this project was started it was understood the field would track the primary reason, but we are being directed to make it more flexible.
Then you can write a query that will use the [forms]![cheryl]![combo1] as a variable and return only the default value for that specific item
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
Hi Cheryl, I believe this can be addressed in two parts.
Step 1: Set your textbox to read the input ie =[forms]![cheryl]![Combo1]
Step 2: Go into the properties of Combo1 and on the Event tab click the elipsis next to OnClick and Choose MacroBuilder in the action select Requery and in Control...
Any suggestions to record the selections in one field? They are indexed numerically.
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
Is there are pretty way to allow users to select more than one answer/option in an Access Form? Min 1 Max 15
Thanks, Bryan
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
One last piece on this same topic. Here is the code I ended with
Between DateSerial(Year([Forms]![frmReportControlForm]![Calendar]),Month([Forms]![frmReportControlForm]![Calendar]),1) And [Forms]![frmReportControlForm]![Calendar]
For YTD would it be
I discovered the reason for the parameter prompt was a grouping issue on the report. Thanks for your help!
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter Griffin
I am using a Calendar control on a report selection form and want to make it able to extract the m value from the user's calendar selection for a MTD Report.
My attempt was setting the date field in the query to the following
=between m/1/yyyy and [Forms]![frmReportControlForm]![Calendar]
How can I see a list of users and workstations using an mde file? I need to incrementally post a new version, but can't.
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter
tblvalidprojecttypes is maintained by me. It is entered separately.
qryProjectVendor is working
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter
Would it make sense then to have the form auto create records for all valid vendors of a project type when a project is entered?
and if so, how does that work?
Remember that time when I took the box? - Peter
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