Hi, I have mdi aplication in C# Window Form. I try minimalize window in mdi aplication and I have problem becouse on main form I have statusBar and whan I minimalize Form it hides under statusBar.
I want to know, how change position minimalize window? Please help.
OK! Everything is good when I have data different 0. Whan I have page with all value 0, next page have bad value: sum before page.
What do You think about this?
Oh Yes! Thank You very much. I don't know why, but when I remove all groups from my report is good. I didn't haved variable in this group. Important that is good.
I have only one problem. Sometime in first row on first page formula return value 6. I don't know why. I give some different formula to report. Can different formula change this value? I use different numbervar.
How copy value from page to next page. I have sum from first page (for example 2) and on next page I have this sum.
first page: second page:
sum previous page: 0 sum previous page: 2
sum this page: 2 sum this page: 8
How copy value 2 from first page to second page?
I have problem. I created Runing Total Field sum value. I have data
first page, second page
1 4
2 1
3 2
//RuningTotalField for pages have value
------- -------
6 13
but I want to this value add number 4. So I want
It is in page header. I am sure. I can't use Madawc's method becouse I have textBox, no field and I don't know how value from program get in report field.
So if can tell me in detail.
I am sorry but I don't understend You. I don't see relationship. I have variable from programs. I want to get it in report. Program asked user about two date, next in report in TextObjects are two value from program(two dataTimePicker value).
I hope that we will understand.
I have code:
// PageHeader
((TextObject)pozostaloDoRozliczenia1.ReportDefinition.Sections["Section2"].ReportObjects["Text1"]).Text = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString();
I have value dateTimePicker1 in report but only on first page, next page have empty place, what can I do?
I want...
I want to printing in Crystal.
So are You tell me that I can't print one line my raport on two page? I can't print landscape, becouse it is for small to me. What can I do else? Maybe someone create formula which do it.
I have problem. I have very wide report, so I can place it on two pages or divide during printing (how Exel).
report wide: one page two page
Smith 12000 12 4 555 etc. -> Smith 12000 12 4 555 etc.
report wide:
Smith 12000 12 4 555 etc. -> during...
I have problem. I have raport in CrystalRaports C# WindowsForm. I have in GroupFooter:
rowNumber sum(data)
1 group1
3 group2
5 group3
but I want to:
rowNumber sum(data)
1 group1
2 group2
3 group3
If You know how can I do it please...
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